Important Dates

Term 1 2023

TERM 2 2023


Week 3

Monday 8th May: Grade 3-4AC Liturgy @ 2:45pm

Monday 8th May: ASPA Education School Visit (Grade 5-6)

Tuesday 9th May: TRP: Teacher Wellbeing Workshop - Looking After Self

Friday 12th May: Mother’s Day Breakfast 

Friday 12th May: Mother’s Day Stall 

Friday 12th May: Assembly @ 2:45pm


Week 4

Monday 15th May: Open Day & 2024 Information Session

Wednesday 17th May: TRP- Staff Authentic Connection Presentation

Thursday 18th May: Campaspe Cross Country (if students qualify)

Friday 19th May:  Walk To School Day

Friday 19th May: World IBD Day (wear purple to school)

Friday 19th May: Grade 1-2SH Liturgy @ 2:45pm


Week 5

Catholic Education Week

Monday 22nd May: ASPA Education School Visit (Grade 5-6)

Tuesday 23rd May: TRP Parent Session- Connected Parenting

Wednesday 24th May: National Simultaneous Storytime

Friday 26th May: Grade 5-6 netball Echuca

Friday 26th May: Assembly @ 2:45pm


Week 6

Monday 29th May: ASPA Education School Visit (Grade 5-6)

Wednesday 31st May: Curriculum Day

Friday 2nd June: Grade 1-2JH  Liturgy @ 2:45pm


Week 7

Monday 5th June: World Environment Day

Monday 5th June: ASPA Education School Visit (Grade 5-6)

Tuesday 6th June: Term 2 Mass: Environment Mass

Thursday 8th June: Executive Director’s Briefing

Thursday 8th June: Grade 3-4 Winter Sports

Friday 9th June:  Grade 5-6 Winter Sports

Friday 9th June: Assembly @ 2:45pm


Week 8

Monday 12th June: King’s Birthday Public Holiday

Wednesday 14th June: Festival of the Sacred concert in Kyabram (Grade 5-6)

Friday 16th June: Responsible Pet Ownership Incursion

Friday 16th June: Foundation Liturgy @ 2:45pm


Week 9

Tuesday 20th June: Inquiry Science Fair Grade F-6

Friday 23rd June: Last day of Term 2, 1:30pm finish