Message From Our Principal

Mrs Jackie Stockdale

We have only been back at school for two weeks this term and we have already had 3 significant events: ANZAC Day celebrations, Grade 3-4 Camp and Cross Country. 


It was lovely to see so many students attend the ANZAC day services. Thank you to everyone who attended the ceremonies and were involved in the march.  A special congratulations to Mia, Caleb, Zac and Deklen for making a speech during the ceremony. Also a special thanks to Will and Hayley for presenting our school wreath.

Our Grade 3-4 students headed to Alexandra Adventure Resort for their 3 day camp, that was jam packed with exciting activities. Congratulations to the Grade 3-4 students for the outstanding way they conducted themselves during the school sleepover.  Their attitude, behaviour and engagement was outstanding!  Thank you to Mrs Stock, Mrs Crosbie, Niky and Molly for ensuring the experience was a great success.


Our very first St Pat's Cross Country event was a huge success, ensuring that this event will become an annual event. The manner in which the students competed was a credit to their persistence, resilience and determination. Well done to all our students for competing in the event. The supportive nature of our students was demonstrated throughout the event as they encouraged each other. This was especially evident at the finish line as they cheered, clapped and high-fived everyone. To ensure our students were prepared for the event Abby and Tootie organised and implemented 'Running Club'. This not only increased student enthusiasm for the event but enhanced their running skills, especially in relation to pacing yourself throughout the race. A big thank you to Abby and Tootie for all their hard work. Also, a big thank you to Ms Ras, Ms Nicholds and Tootie for organising the event and our many parent helpers- without you the event would not have been able to happen.  Congratulations to all students for participating and especially the winners and runners-up on the day.  Students in Grades 3-6 who have qualified for the next level of  Cross Country will do so in Moama on May 18th. 


As we move into the cooler months I wanted to remind all families that you can purchase school beanies from the office for $10. We also have a limited amount of stock of school pants for sale from the office. Please see Emma at the office between 8:30-9:30am or 2:30-3:30pm if you wish to make a purchase. Also the winter skirt is available online at : (please ensure code for skirt is SK516I – 9057)


Thank you to all parents who have been using PAM or SIMON Everywhere to complete permission notes for camps and excursions. This method of parent permission is currently the only acceptable method. The school has purchased the SIMON Everywhere App for all families, parents just need to download it and set it up on a mobile device. Remember if you have any question to see Ms Ras.


On Thursday night the children who are preparing for their Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist had their first meeting at the St Augustine's Parish. Over the coming weeks they will spend time with their families preparing for the Sacraments which will take place later in the year. This is a very special time for these children and their families.


On Monday we begin celebrating the wonderful women in our lives with a special liturgy prepared by Grade 3-4AC. Then next Friday, May 12th at 8:30am we will continue to celebrate these women with a special breakfast. This is always an amazing day and a great opportunity to acknowledge everything that the amazing women in our lives do for us. I look forward to see you all there! Don't forget to RSVP for catering purposes:

Also don't forget to send in 1 photo of you and your child/children to:


On Monday the 15th we have our school Open Day and Information Night for all new families in 2024. This is a great opportunity for us to celebrate everything that makes St Patrick's amazing! Please spread the word amongst the community and encourage families to register for the event using the following link: 


I have already send a letter home regarding the following information, however, I thought it was important to also put it in the newsletter:  


As a result of the impending Enterprise Bargaining Agreement for the Catholic Education Sandhurst we have made changes to our daily timetable. 


The new timetable will be as follows:


9-11am                        Learning Block 1 (2 hours)


11-11:05am                Eating Lunch (5 minutes)


11:05-11:40am           Lunch Break (35 minutes)


11:40am-1:40pm        Learning Block 2 (2 hours)


1:40-1:45pm               Eating Snack (5 minutes)


1:45-2:15pm               Recess Break (30 minutes)


2:15-3:15pm               Learning Block 3 (1 hour)


These changes ensure that each learning block is exactly 1 or 2 hours. They also mean

that the time allocated to eating lunch has been reduced from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. 

This is turn means that the lunch break has increased from 30 minutes to 35 minutes.

These changes ensure that students continue to have 300 minutes of learning a week.


Another significant change is that we will no longer be doing morning reading with 

students outside between 8:30-9am. We will have staff on yard duty in the yard 

between 8:30-9am. We will continue to encourage students to read at home and track 

their reading in their reading diaries. The nights that they track will be counted and acknowledged during our whole school assemblies.