Year 6 News

Maths – Greedy Pig

This term in Maths, Year 6 students have been playing ‘Greedy Pig’ as a warm up activity. 


The students have thoroughly enjoyed playing this game in the classroom, you may like to play this at home.


How to play Greedy Pig:

  1. To play this game you need an ordinary 6-sided die.
  2. Each turn of the game consists of one or more rolls of the die.  You keep rolling until you decide to stop, or until you roll a 2.  You may choose to stop at any time.
  3. If you roll a 2, your score for that turn is 0.
  4. If you choose to stop rolling before you roll a 2, your score is the sum of all the numbers you rolled on that turn.
  5. There are 10 rounds in the game.
  6. The player with the highest score wins.

Game Board:


Year 6 Exhibition

We are in full swing preparing and building prototypes for our Year 6 Exhibition which will be held on Wednesday 3 August. 


The Central Idea for this unit is Innovation in technology impacts society and the environment. 

Students chose an area of interest (eg. Criminal Investigation) and then created questions or wonderings about their topic. They then researched these questions and found at least 2 sources for each answer. Using the T.R.U.E poster below, students confirmed the information they had researched was reliable and accurate.


Students have worked their way through the ‘Design’ cycle (pictured below) to then ‘Generate’ a new idea for their chosen topic and then ‘Plan and Manage’ how they will create this new idea. We look forward to the Year 6 students ‘Communicating’ their new design with the school community in Week 4.