Year 5 News

Welcome to Term 3!

After what can only be described as one of the most jammed-packed terms the children have experienced in a few years, the Year 5 teachers would like to welcome back the students after a well-deserved holiday break. 


We hope that everyone had a warm and refreshing two weeks and are eager to commence this new semester. 



This term the Year 5's will be developing their ideas through Writer's Workshop sessions. This involves students progressing through each stage of the writing process from prewriting-planning, drafting, teacher and peer conferencing, revising, editing and publishing their final product. Students will be experimenting with a variety of text types, exploring word choice and experimenting with punctuation to add interest to their writing pieces.


In reading, we will continue to implement the CAFE comprehension strategies to help students interpret text. Sessions will focus on identifying the main idea, compare and contrast, fact and opinion, cause and effect, bias and prejudice and figurative language. 


Students will work in small groups following the structure of modelled lessons, guided reading and independent learning for each skill.



Jumping straight back into the current Unit of Inquiry, 'Where we are in time and place', the students have commenced their next independent research project into early settlement and impacts of colonisation. 


Students have been conducting research into Australia's migration history, defining moments in Australia's colonial history and defining people in Australia's history. Students will present their information as an information report. 



Over the next couple of weeks, the Year 5's will be delving deeper into the topic of fractions, covering equivalent fractions, fractions on a number line, improper fractions and mixed numbers, adding and subtracting, multiplying and simplifying fractions. Students have been practicing the implementation of fraction concepts using Manga High and My Numeracy tasks. 


This week the students will complete a Mapping of Gold Discoveries Learning Task for Mathematics.


Student Feedback

This term, the students are participating in a Year 5 Wellbeing Program which is based on student feedback.


The students are working in mixed groups to give them an opportunity to connect with their peers and build positive relationships. 


Last term, the Year 5 students were asked to reflect on things that were going well for them at school and things they would like to further work on and develop.


The students comments indicated they would like to focus on:

- Self-Awareness

- Self- Management

- Social Awareness

- Relationships

- Decision-making


Please enjoy some photos from our Daily 5 and the new Wellbeing Program.