Year 4 News

Welcome to Term 3!

It’s been a chilly start to the term and we hope to get children outside as often as possible between the showers, so please ensure your children have warm clothing for outside weather and a spare pair of socks in their bags for those who like to run on the oval!

Unit of Inquiry

We have had a busy start to the term. Our new Unit of Inquiry has an exhibition component later in the term, which the students are excited about. The central idea is, 'The body is made up of different systems that need to be maintained in order to stay healthy'. 

Currently we are focusing on the five sense and the students have been doing rotations between the four classrooms with some fun activities on hearing, tasting, smelling and touching. We have an incursion on Friday where the students will complete their senses understandings on sight.






In Maths we have been working on tessellations and in number and algebra our new focus is division. Check out the division song we’ve been listening to:


A reminder that Early Morning Maths is on every Wednesday morning from 8.30-9am to assist or extend students with their mathematical understandings. Also homework help is available during this time. 


In literacy, students are learning to understand prepositional phrases and speech marks. We’ve been listening to songs and using practical examples to assist our understandings. Here is the prepositional phrases song:


Year 4 sport continues to be competitive during the week topping it off with Friday rounders, which is always a lovely way to end the week.