Year 3 News


Year 3 students have returned to school full of energy and enthusiasm, which is lovely to see.  We have started our new Unit of Inquiry ‘How the world works’ where the students have the opportunity to showcase their imagination and problem-solving skills.


To introduce this unit, the students were hooked attempting to make a 10cm sided square without access to any tools. There was much appreciation for the invention of scissors and rulers after this somewhat challenging and frustrating experience!

The students watched a video titled, 'Caine’s Arcade', about a boy who created a game arcade which was built using cardboard boxes. They were then challenged to come up with their own ‘original’ arcade game.

The first step was to complete a Steps to Success graphic organiser to help keep on track to complete each stage of the project. Labelled diagrams of the intended arcade game design needed to be drawn up before any building could commence. 

Excitement filled the air as scissors worked furiously to shape ideas into reality. Problem solving skills were put to the test as an abundant amount of masking tape, sticky tape and glue was used to hold it all together. 


It was wonderful to see the way the children shared materials and ideas with such enthusiasm. We were so proud of not only the students’ creativity but the support they showed each other to reach their final product. We were pretty impressed by their cleaning up skills too! 


Well done Year 3!


Before sharing their final products, the students put their procedural writing skills to the test, writing instructions on how to play their game. They also created a poster to advertise their arcade game to persuade Year 1 students to visit their game.


Please see Baylie’s Arcade Games news report below.


On Thursday the Year 3s started doing a cardboard arcade, we all brought some cardboard from home for our project/game. Everyone had an amazing  Idea. We had 2 days to complete it. We spent most of our time on it, all of us worked so hard to finish it and had the best time of our life, we helped each other and still completed it.


Sometimes our build fell but we didn’t give up and kept on building till we finished our masterpiece, we are all extremely excited to share it to the Year 1s this Friday, lots of people did basketball and some people had their own idea.

By Baylie


Year 3 Sport

We have continued to learn indigenous games during Year 3 sport. Each week Mrs Jones has introduced us to either a new game or built on a previous game at a more advanced level. A very popular game so far has been Kangaroo Rock Paper Scissors. 



Please see Jack B’s Sports Report below


On Monday the Year 3s played a game for Year 3 sport called Kangaroo Rock Paper Scissor Challenge. All the Year 3s had lots of fun.


The rules of the game are there are six teams. You can use hula-hoops and coloured toys to match the hula hoops and that’s it. Hula-hoops are different colours like blue, red, orange, green, yellow and purple that is the teams. All of the hoops are placed in lines that cross over. 


The person in the front of each line goes, jumping like a kangaroo. If he or her bumps into some one, they need to battle Rock Paper Scissors until there’s a winner. The winner keeps jumping and the other person goes back to their line. If someone reaches the end of a line they get a toy and re-join their line. The team with the most toys wins. 


We had the best time and can’t wait to play Kangaroo Rock Paper Scissor Challenge again. Thank Mrs Jones for teaching us this awesome game.

By Jack



Year 3 students have commenced choir sessions this term. Each Tuesday the students attend the music room and learn new songs with Mrs Ullmann and Mrs Ratten.