Year 2 News 

A Special Visit

Last week, the Year Two children were lucky enough to have a visit from Mrs Graham and a special guest. 


Mrs Graham will be working with us for four weeks as part of of Unit of Inquiry 'Sharing the planet', with our central idea being 'Living things go through a process of change'. 


The grade brainstormed what we need to do to look after minibeasts and creatures we find and we created a 'Code for Caring' poster. 


Mrs Graham then produced a box and explained that there was a living thing in there. The children were wondering what it could be….. She explained rules to keep it safe when it came out of the box and then we saw it was a bearded dragon! 

The children learnt lots of interesting information about it, such as what it ate, how to look after it and what the beard is used for. Mrs Graham put down some mealworms and after a while it gobbled them up, using its thick blue tongue. The children also got to pat the bearded dragon.  


The Year Two’s are really looking forward to working with Mrs Graham again next week and are curious about what we might be doing/learning about!! 


Here are some of the Year Two’s reflections of our first session with Mrs Graham: 

Bearded Dragon 

When Mrs Graham walked in with the box, I had no idea what was inside! She opened it. She explained what it was and what it ate. It was a bearded dragon. Mrs Graham said they ate crickets. The tail was very spikey. Their favourite food is carrots. 

By Levi S 2B 


Mrs Graham bought in a bearded dragon. It wasn’t very active, but it ate two mealworms and we all got to pat it. It felt very rough. 

By Lachlan G 2B  


When Mrs Graham came over she talked about bugs. We did an activity. We made a list about bugs. It was really fun. When we stopped talking Mrs Graham said “Everybody go and sit down in the corner of the room” We sat down and she took out a bearded dragon. It was amazing. 

By Charlotte K 2B 


The lizard skin is soft when you go down, but you can’t go up. It is fascinating. The mealworms are disgusting. Thankyou Mrs Graham. 

By Stevie C 2B 


Mrs Graham brought in a bearded dragon who names was Blue. Blue was very scaly and she had brown and red markings on her back. Mrs Graham kept throwing mealworms on the floor and Blue was eating them with her long tongue. Blue keep walking towards the kids and then freezing.  

By Edward S 2C 


Mrs Graham brought a bearded dragon into our room to introduce our new unit of inquiry, Sharing the Planet. It was really cool getting to see Blue. I liked that he had a skinny body with brown skin and a red chin. When I touched her skin it felt scaly and cold. I learnt that Blue could eat special worms and apple. I liked watching Blue crawl around in the circle.  

By Zac N 2C 


I learnt that there are lizards that have the word beard in them. I liked it when Blue came close to me and Avie. I didn’t know that you have to have a reptile licence to own a reptile. I liked how you could only pat Blue one way, otherwise the scales spiked you. It was really fun how we got to see a bearded dragon.  

By Betty T 2C 


I liked touching Blue the bearded dragon. She felt cold and spikey. I learnt that Blue likes to eat meal worms. Blue stuck her tongue out to grab the worms when Mrs Graham threw them on the floor. Blue had a little red patch under her chin. She was very scared.  

By Amelia W 2C 


The bearded dragon’s tail felt really smooth. I thought it looked really cool when it ate the worms, because it flicked it’s tongue out really quickly. Blue the bearded dragon lives in a glass tank at Mrs Graham’s house with a light to keep it warm. 

By Emilia P 2D 


I liked watching Blue eat the worms from the floor. When she came up to use, I liked patting her skin. It felt velvety and not too warm or not too cold. I didn’t know that they could eat so many different things. I thought Blue was a blue tongue lizard. 

By Sam S 2D 


I loved it when Blue the bearded dragon came in to the classroom with Mrs Graham. We got to pat Blue and she was silky. Blue ate meal worms by sticking out her tongue really fast and grabbing them. I had never patted a lizard before. She felt cold. 

By Mia C 2D 


I think that Blue the lizard likes dark places. It was cool seeing its tongue go out to eat something. Blue felt scaly when I patted her. It was cool hearing that it could puff up really big. 

By Oscar D 2D 



 By  Sienna M from 2A 




Lexie E from 2A 




By Hannah M from 2A 




Charlotte S from 2A