Principal's Report

Welcome to the new term. I do hope that everyone had a relaxing break during the school holidays.


Despite the commencement of term being challenged by the impact of staff and student illness we have attempted to minimise this as much as possible. Due to limited availability of CRTs, we have had to split classes, however, the high number of student absence has meant that class numbers have still been relatively low, enabling a manageable and effective teacher/student ratio.

COVID-19 Update

As we are all aware, there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases in the community, with a peak in cases expected in August.


We do appreciate the phone calls and emails we have been receiving from families advising when a student is either COVID-positive or a household contact – we encourage you to continue to do this. 


It is vital that we are advised of all positive cases, so that year levels affected can be mindful of even the mildest of symptoms, which, if left unchecked, can be brought to school and spread to other students and staff. 


Additionally, as advised by the Victorian Government and the Victorian Department of Education on Tuesday 19 July, it is strongly recommended that face masks be worn in indoor settings for all students aged 8 and over and all staff in schools across Victoria. The wearing of face masks when indoors will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other winter illnesses.


We appreciate your cooperation and understanding with our requirements, which will ultimately minimise disruption to our students.

Our New Cubby Houses

The children were extremely excited to see the new cubby houses.  In a recent survey of our students, we asked for their feedback in relation to what they wanted at school.  The students suggested more cubbies and now their request has been fulfilled.

The cubbies were funded by the proceeds of our Easter raffle and the Election Day barbeque.  Our appreciation is extended to those who facilitated these fund-raising activities.

One to One Devices in Years 5 and 6

We have 180 new devices in the senior learning centre, which means that we now have "one to one” for our students in Years 5 and 6 to use.   The provision of these devices has been made possible by the families who have supported our IT Voluntary Levy.  It is significant to note that if parents were asked to purchase these devices the cost per student would be $950 each.


Here are some photos of Year 5 students using their devices to complete independent research projects and Daily 5 literacy rotations. 

Below  are some images of the students using their devices for  the Year 6 Exhibition. 


The students are more motivated to work independently when tasks require the use of the devices. Students enjoy watching ClickView videos and taking notes to summarise what they have learned, accessing audiobook and podcast websites for listening to reading, completing maths tasks in Essential Assessment and Manga High as well as using OneNote to document their learning in Daily 5 rotations.


The additional school devices has also meant that our current devices have been reallocated to classes from Year 2 to Year 4.    The flow on effect has meant that all our students have benefitted.  We are now providing a 1:2 laptop allocation for all classes from Year 2 to Year 4.  Our Year 1 and Prep students use ipads predominantly, but do use laptops from the other year levels when required.

Sports Update

Team Events

For the first few weeks of this term the divisional finals are held.  We have many teams participating including the Girls AFL Football, Boys AFL football, Mixed Netball and our Rugby teams. 

State Cross Country

Last Wednesday we had two students compete in the State Cross Country.


Congratulations to Isabella from Year 5 who competed in the 3km 11Year Girls final. 

Congratulations also to Eddie  from Year 6 who competed in the 2 km Multi Class Event.

Prep Old-Fashioned Day

The Prep students prepared for 'Old Fashioned Day' as the culmination of their UOI ‘Where we are in place and time’.


Tuesday saw the Prep classrooms transported back in time for Old Fashioned Dress-Up Day. As part of the current Unit of Inquiry, ‘where we are in place and time’, students and teachers alike dressed up in old fashioned clothes, wearing long skirts, vests and hats to school.


The Preps had so much fun experiencing what school life was like in the past and enjoyed playing with many old games such as quoits, hoops, elastics and hop-scotch.


The children reflected on how things have changed and all the wonderful modern technology they get to use in their daily school lives.


Please ensure to see the Prep page which has lots of lovely photos. Thank you to all the parents , the children were so excited in their dress-ups and very proud to show us all.

Unit of Inquiry

The new term brings a new Unit of Inquiry for each year level.


Year 1 Unit of Inquiry

As part of the current Unit of Inquiry, the Year One students have been learning about different modes of transport, exploring the Central Idea: Transport Changes Over Time.  


They have investigated everything from Viking longboats, to early steam trains and the evolution of motor vehicles. The students were fortunate enough to take a ride on Puffing Billy at the end of last term and then visited the new state of the art Train Museum and Education Centre. 


This term the Year One students have researched the early inventions of flight, including those of the Wright Brothers. Last Friday the students were fortunate to have a visit from a current Jetstar Pilot. Mr Scott Werry was our guest pilot.  The students were extremely excited to see a man in uniform!

 They discovered how aircraft has evolved over time by exploring the features of a modern Boeing 787, watching real footage from inside an Airbus cockpit and learning about what a pilot does in preparation for each flight. Full of enthusiasm, the students then spent the afternoon designing, constructing and testing model paper aeroplanes!

Year 6 Exhibition 

The students in Year 6 are extremely busy preparing for their exhibition. The central idea is 'Innovation in technology impacts society and the environment'.


The students have chosen an area of interest and are exploring the impact this has on the central idea. The students are working in groups to design and construct a prototype related to their area of technology.  This exhibition will be shared with our school community on Wednesday 3 August.  Further details will follow closer to the date.

Student Led Conferences 

The Beaumaris North Primary School reporting schedule provides the opportunity for parents to meet with teachers through 'Meet and Greets' in Term 1, 'Parent Teacher Interviews' in Term 2, and in Term 3 the format changes to ‘Student Led Conferences.’  We are pleased to see the return of ‘Student Led Conferences’ which we have not been able to implement since 2019, due to the many lockdowns. 


The students are responsible for leading the conference, and also take responsibility for their learning as they share academic growth with their parents and, in the process, take a step towards becoming lifelong learners. 


Student Led Conferences enhance students’ oral communication skills, build students’ self-confidence and in the process helps develop relationships. It is an opportunity to showcase student work and empower students to share their accomplishments. 


The student’s portfolio comprises work samples and the Learner Profile Self-Reflection that the students completed as part of the reporting process at the end of term two.  Please encourage your child to share this reflection with you. 


During the conference, there will be up to four students in the classroom discussing and sharing their goals, work and achievements with their parents. 


The Student Led Conferences will be held after school on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 August. Further information will follow in relation to the booking system that will be in place for the event.  


School Student Disco

It has been several years since our students have been able to enjoy the fun of a school disco, but the time has finally arrived for this special event to recommence.


The BNPS student disco is finally BACK!!! The last disco was back in 2019. 



This is a whole-school event on one night (Friday 5 August).  Prep students are invited to attend from 3.00 to 3.45pm.  


The Disco is organised by the ‘BNPS Parents & Friends’ and is a wonderful event for the children with lots of singing, dancing and laughter.  


The Prep students will have a casual dress day to allow them to wear their disco clothes to school.  The more white and neon they wear, the more they will glow.


Please ensure to give consent via the event on Compass and to pay for this via Qkr > School Events > Disco.  The cost is $10.00 per student and includes a specialist entertainer/DJ from Bop til you Drop, one glow item per child, glow face paint, and a Zooper Dooper.