Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Andy McNeilly


“Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” Ralph Marston


Dear Families,


Throughout my professional learning with the ‘Mental Health in Primary Schools’ (MHiPS) program, there is often talk about ‘self-care’. Our trainers stress the importance of those who care for others, need to take care of themselves. I’ve often heard the analogy of the oxygen mask in the aeroplane… fit the mask to yourself before taking care of those around you. As parents, it is important for us to take care of ourselves. This is something that I can often forget to do in the busyness of life. 


Earlier in the year, I ran a staff professional learning session about self-care and the importance of our staff taking care of themselves. We all devised our own simple self-care plan with four simple headings; Social, Physical, Personal, and Rest/Relax. I’ve attached a photo of my self-care plan.


This week, consider making your own self-care plans at home with everyone in the family. Talk about the things you like to do and the activities that help you to take care of yourself. You may even like to do one of the activities from your plan straight away. Consider leaving your plan on the fridge or somewhere prominent in the house to remind each other to take care of yourselves. I’d love to hear if these have been helpful. 



“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.” Thomas Carlyle


Have a great week everyone and take care of yourselves.


Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator