From Our Office

New Facebook Page
Please share promote our new Facebook page for us. You are now able to call us directly from our Facebook page and will be able to create, promote events and accept RSVPs.
St Joseph’s Canteen Term 2
Due to the current outbreak of illnesses within the school and community no canteen dates have been scheduled. Once we feel it is safe for the children and volunteers to open the canteen we will send home notification when canteen will be held.
Head Lice
Unfortunately, the head lice problem is continuing at school. Please check your children's hair and treat if necessary. We have put measures in place at school to try and keep our children head lice free. These include: no sharing of hats (even between siblings) and we recommend children with long hair to have their hair tied back. Remember prevention is better than cure. If your child does happen to become infected with Head Lice could you please contact the School office so families can be notified.Please see attached document for treatment. procedures.
Boys Summer Uniform: Short-sleeve blue shirt, grey school shorts, grey school socks, black school shoes or black leather look-alike joggers, navy hat with school emblem (available from the School Office). Price List
Girls Summer Uniform: Blue and white check dress (available from the School Office), short white socks, black school shoes, navy hat with school emblem. Price List
Boys/Girls Sports Uniform: School sport shirt (available at the School Office), navy blue shorts, or skirt/skort, short white socks, sports shoes, navy tracksuit in winter months. Price List
Boys Winter Uniform: Long-sleeve blue shirt, long grey trousers, blue and grey school tie (available from the School Office), grey V-neck cotton jumper and/or grey V-neck vest (available from the School Office), navy spray jacket with white and grey trim (available from the School Office), grey school socks, black school shoes or black leather look-alike joggers. Price List
Girls Winter Uniform: Grey or Navy blue slacks (available from the School Office), or grey skirt (available from the School Office), long-sleeve blue shirt, blue and grey school tie (available from the School Office), grey V-neck cotton jumper, and/or grey V-neck vest (available from the School Office), navy spray jacket with white and grey trim (available from the School Office), white socks or grey leggings, black school shoes. Price List
2nd Hand Uniforms: The P&F has available limited second-hand uniforms, please contact Lisa in the office with sizes needed and she can see what is available. The P&F requests a donation for 2nd hand uniforms.