Prep News
During Term 2, in reading the prep students will be focusing on retelling and sequencing a familiar text. The students will be learning to identify the main characters in the story (who), where the story happened (setting) and will retell at least two key events from the story in the correct order following the structure of the beginning, middle and end.
Students will continue learning about making predictions on a text. The students will be using text clues such as pictures to help assist and prompt them with making a guess about what the story may be about or what might happen next. They will also begin to use their prior knowledge to discuss what they already know about a topic before reading a text to encourage them with making predictions.
Furthermore, the students will be learning about new vocabulary and strategies they can use to help clarify unfamiliar words in a text.
In writing, students will continue their work on writing about a recount on an experience that has already happened and will utilise the elements of who, what, when and where.
The students will learn how to write an information report about a type of animal or community helper and will undertake a research process and learn how to record simple facts about a topic to inform and teach others about what they have learnt.
Later in the term, the prep students will learn a unit on persuasive writing where students will have the opportunity to express their opinions on certain topics as well as explain their reasons behind why they formed such an opinion.
In Maths, prep students will be engaged in a unit of Length which will involve explaining and measuring the length of objects, ordering objects by how long something is and comparing the length of objects.
Students will continue working on number recognition and counting from zero to twenty. They will be identifying these numbers, counting forwards and backwards as well as matching these numbers to quantities.
The students will also learn to use a number of different strategies such as; count out loud, touch and count, move and count, line up count, count on and recount to solve simple worded problems and scenarios.
Welcome to term 2 Science where the Prep students will be focusing on the Earth and Space Science strand and learning about daily and seasonal changes in our environment, and how they affect everyday life.
The unit will begin with linking the changes in the daily weather to the way we change our activities and dress for different conditions; such as wearing warm clothes in winter and the need to sometimes choose indoor activities, and wearing cooler clothes in summer and going to parks and the beach.
Through various activities, student will monitor and describe weather conditions, learn about common weather symbols and investigate how seasonal changes affect humans, plants and animals.
LOTE - Chinese
This term, the Preps are going to continue to experiment with colour, and begin to explore line in more detail. We will work with a range of materials, including paint, chalk, fabric and clay. In addition, we will explore ‘mixed media’, artworks that are created using a combination of different materials. Our creations will involve the use of skills such as tracing, making clothes for dolls, sculpting, observational drawing, and digital art practices.
We will also start to flesh out our big question, ‘What is ART?’, through questioning, mind mapping, and the study of significant Australian artists, such as Joy Hester, Mirka Mora and Djerrkŋu Yunupiŋu. Students will have numerous opportunities to observe, create and reflect in our exciting art room. It has been lovely getting to know the Preps so far, and witnessing their individual creativity and joy in making!
This term, the Preps are going to continue to experiment with colour, and begin to explore line in more detail. We will work with a range of materials, including paint, chalk, fabric and clay. In addition, we will explore ‘mixed media’, artworks that are created using a combination of different materials. Our creations will involve the use of skills such as tracing, making clothes for dolls, sculpting, observational drawing, and digital art practices.
We will also start to flesh out our big question, ‘What is ART?’, through questioning, mind mapping, and the study of significant Australian artists, such as Joy Hester, Mirka Mora and Djerrkŋu Yunupiŋu. Students will have numerous opportunities to observe, create and reflect in our exciting art room. It has been lovely getting to know the Preps so far, and witnessing their individual creativity and joy in making!
This term the grade prep students are looking to build on the learning they completed in PE at the end of term 1. Students will be looking at moving the body and understanding how to control their movements, they will do this through dance/music, games and some sports throughout term 2. Students in grade prep will spend the first half of term 2 developing and understanding their movement and control of their body. An understanding of moving the body will then follow into fundamental motor skill development for our students. They will spend the second half of term 2 developing throwing and catching skills using different objects and working on correct technique when throwing underarm and catching with two hands. It should be an amazing term 2 for the grade preps and some exciting learning will take place, I look forward to working with each of the students and helping them develop their skills in physical education.
Welcome to Term 2 Music, 2022! This term, students will be introduced to the musical elements of pitch (high and low), rhythm and beat. They will practise making pitch and demonstrate their knowledge by singing and playing on a tuned instrument such as the xylophone. This term Grade Preps will learn about rhythm and beat. When learning about rhythm they will use the lyrics in nursery rhymes to break down the syllables they hear which form the rhythmic patterns. Students will transfer this knowledge by demonstrating rhythm on percussion instruments. Grade Preps will also learn about beat by identifying and feeling the pulse of the music they hear. They will use movement and instruments to practice their skills in identifying and demonstrating various beats in different types of music. Looking forward to working with Grade Preps this term in Music!