Things to know
Virtual Tour
You are welcome to have a look at our Virtual Tour to learn about our beautiful school.
Yarra Division Cross Country
Congratulations to Tate V who came first in his age group and now qualifies for the Regional Cross Country all the best Tate.
LPPS is very proud.
Ensuring your child comes to School EVERY DAY is the most important thing you can do to support your child’s learning. Did you know that missing one day a fortnight is the same as missing four whole weeks of school a year? If this occurs every year from Prep to Year 12 that adds up to 1.5 years of school missed! Whilst there are often good reasons why a student can’t come to school it is vital that holidays are planned during school holidays where possible and not during the term if it can be avoided. This link will provide you with some common reasons students miss school and the recommended way for you to manage this. Please contact your child’s teacher / Principal if you would like support getting your child to school EVERY DAY.
Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews
The home/school partnership is strengthened by your attendance and is significant in the educational success experienced by your child. The interviews are an important part of the reporting process, as not all information can be conveyed in a written report. The process of discussing the achievements, the areas of future focus and the path to achieve future goals, is one that is best achieved through parents, teachers and students working together. Interviews will be held June 22nd. A reminder to please ensure that all portfolios are returned to school in term three.
2023 Enrolments
Our 2023 enrolments are coming in and we encourage any interested families to submit their enrolment forms as soon as possible. Our transition sessions commence in July and it is very helpful for our planning if we can confirm numbers for 2023.
All orders and payments are to be made online. Thank you
Lunch Orders
Lunch order Day is every Thursday, Please ensure your child's name and grade is written clearly on the bag. Lunch orders need to be put in the basket for collection before 9.10am on Thursday mornings.
If your child is missing an item when they receive their lunch order please write on their bag for the following week.
Health Update
Cold and Flu season is is definitely upon us. A report in the Age -Students sent home, teachers under pressure as flu rips through schools. Cases of the flu are tearing through Victorian schools, with school-aged children making up almost half the total reported number of flu cases so far this month. Forty-five per cent of all influenza notifications reported so far this month are for people aged five to 19, the alert said. That age group accounted for only 25 per cent of notifications in Victoria’s last significant flu period in 2019, it said.
The alert has prompted some schools to consider encouraging students to return to mask wearing, although Education Minister James Merlino said there is no plan to bring back a mask mandate.
It is important to remember this is the first winter since 2019 that we haven’t been in lockdown and staying at home. To help ensure continuity of teaching and keeping students learning onsite please be mindful not to send your child if they are unwell. Whilst it is good news if your child tests negative on a RAT, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are well enough to be in the classroom. Colds and flus are easily spread in schools, and children are more likely to contract them through transmitting it to each other. You know your kids best. A child who has the sniffles but hasn't slowed down at home is likely well enough for the classroom. But one who coughed all night and had a hard time getting up in the morning might need to take it easy at home