Principal's Page 

Welcome to the last newsletter for Term 2, and sadly, my last newsletter at Launching Place Primary School as my Acting Principal position comes to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, and feel so lucky to have become part of this wonderful community. The students, staff and families of Launching Place are truly special, and have made me feel so welcome right from day one. The opportunity for me to learn the role, and continue to develop my leadership skills here at Launch is something that I will always be grateful for, so thankyou! I have been fortunate to be appointed as the substantive principal at Vermont Primary School, starting next term, but I will be sure to keep in contact with the wonderful Launch team and look forward to hearing about all the future successes. 


I am also excited to say that a new principal has been appointed here at Launching Place, and as soon as we are able to announce who it is, I will do so. I am sure you will make them feel as welcome as you made me feel, and I know that they will love everything that Launching Place has to offer. 

Colour Run

We are so looking forward to our colour run next Monday afternoon. the even will start at 2:30pm, and parents and younger siblings who may be at home are welcome to come along and join in. 

Students can come to school in clothes they are happy to have colour splashed on, preferably a white top as the colour shows up better. The colour powder is non-toxic and non-staining, so even though it won't permanently stain clothing, it's probably a good idea to wear something you don't mind getting dirty. Students will be issued with a headband, wrist bands and a pair of sunglasses on the day. If you child is a little worried about getting colour on them, please have a chat with their class teacher and we can work out a way to have them still be involved, but not have colour squirted in their direction. 

We are still looking for volunteers to man the colour stations on the day, so please get in contact with Jess Scollary on and let her know if you are able to help out. 

Please remember to keep promoting the fundraising for the colour run. We have already smashed our target of $3000, but it would be amazing if we could raise even more funds! 

Courtyard works

As you will have noticed, work has continued in the courtyard. Things are on track to have the resurfacing done over the holidays, provided we don't have too much rain. We look forward to unveiling the new area once it is complete! 

We would also like to thank Bendigo Bank who have agreed to contribute $5000 to the project. This will allow us to finish the area off beautifully, and we thank them for their contribution. 


I take this opportunity to remind parents and families that there are a host of school policies available for families to read on the school website. This includes information on enrolments, child safety procedures, camps and excursions and payment policies. 

Enrolments for 2023

Just a reminder for parents to enrol students for 2023 as soon as possible. If you have a younger person at home starting Prep next year, we encourage you enrol now. We would love to be able to start planning for next year, and having an idea of prep numbers makes such a difference. If you would like to arrange a tour, please contact the office to make a time. 

Sports Gala Day

A reminder that we are having a whole school sports gala day next Friday to celebrate the end of term. Please read the information on Compass carefully as it contains the process for dropping off/picking up students from the Yarra Centre. 


That's it from me, but once again, thankyou for all your commitment and positivity. Have a wonderful break, and take care of yourselves,

