2022 ACARA Item Trial

Year 7 & 9 students

Dear Parents and a of students in 7A, 7E, 9A and 9I,


Epping Secondary College has been selected for our compulsory participation in the 2022 ACARA Item Trial and all students in 7A, 7E, 9A, 9I will participate in this on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd August 2022.


The purpose of the Item Trial is to evaluate potential NAPLAN test questions (‘items’) for use in future NAPLAN tests. Your children will have the opportunity to attempt items and provide feedback on the questions to ACARA so that they can improve NAPLAN for 2023 and beyond.


Your child’s test results are not recorded, reported on or provided to the school or families as the purpose of the trial is to test the tests, not test the students.


7A & 7E will participate in the Item Trial Monday Periods 1 and 2 as well as Tuesday Period 3.


9A & 9I will participate in the Item Trial Monday Period 3 as well as Tuesday Periods 1 and 2.


Please find attached further reading about the Item Trial if you would like additional information. Please contact me if you have any questions.


Kind Regards,


Jessica Spiteri

Leading Teacher – Data & Assessment