
This week Mr Millichamp and Mr Edwards have been wrapping up the Beef A.I. programme and putting the bulls out with the cows.  This mating programme is a huge undertaking and I would like to thank Mr Millichamp, Mr Edwards and all the students who helped out over the past weeks by getting up early to help muster cattle.  We will now eagerly await the preg test results next term. We will also be continuing on with some calf marking, finishing off the last of the beef cows.



Mr Adams commenced lamb marking this week with the cross bred lambs being marked and the balance next week before the holidays.



Last week I needed to talk to students who either agist their horse or ride a College horse in regard to an incident that occurred last weekend.  Some students were riding without helmets. I have explained the importance of wearing correct PPE whilst riding. These procedures have been put in place by the Department of Education and are designed to help protect and keep our students safe.  These procedures must be abided by at all times.


Elders Visit (Auctioneering)

Wednesday we had a visit from Mr Michael Longford and Mr Pearce Watling from Elders, and Mr Rodney Galati from our Ag Advisory, to give the students an insight into the art of livestock auctioneering. Pearce gave a demonstration by auctioning our wonderful cow mascot. Elders also invited interested students to put their names forward to participate in an auctioning demonstration at Brunswick later in the year.

Weekend Stock Commitment

My Dyson would like to remind students of their commitment to perform weekend stock duties whilst at the College.  There have been a number of students who have indicated that they are not available for their rostered weekend without trying to organise a swap, leaving My Dyson to sort it out.


The requirements for weekend stock is in our College Handbook on page 45 and I urge all parents and students to be familiar with these requirements. 


Geoff Howell, Paul Dyson and all the Farm Staff.