Interview with Georgie

Interview with Georgie Tilley 4D


How long have you worked at BNPS? 

I have been lucky enough to work 7 wonderful years at BNPS.

Who  inspires you?  

To be honest our staff at BNPS inspire me. The last two years have been hard for everyone, but my co-workers were the ones who kept me going each day. They inspired me and continue to inspire me each day to be the very best teacher and version of myself I can be.


I feel so lucky to be a part of an organisation with such amazing, talented and inspirational people, who I look up to and continue to learn from each day. 


There’s not many people who can say they love where they work, but I really do and that’s largely because of these people.

What is your favourite thing to on the weekends?

My favourite thing to do on the weekend is to go to the local Farmer Markets around where I live with my partner and my dog Wally. 


I love wondering around, looking at all the stalls, buying delicious fresh produce for the week. Wally even gets a treat too!

Are you an early bird or a night owl?  

I am definitely an early bird! I am woken up at 5am most mornings and once I am up, I am up! You know what they say… ‘early bird catches the worm’. 

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I can sing the alphabet backward faster than I can sing it forwards.

What recently made you smile?

Seeing the students in 4D and 4C walking into my classroom every single morning, happy to see each other, Wally and myself makes me smile. I always tell my students a smile is infectious and when I see them smile, I cannot help but smile along with them. 

If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose ? 

I would love to trade place with a Dolphin Trainer who works at Sea World. Who wouldn’t want to swim and play with dolphins all day long in the sun?


What would you like to say to your students?

4D, I am so proud to be your teacher. It has been a pleasure supporting and watching you grow over the first half of the year. Don’t forget to always be yourself… unless you can be a pineapple then always be a PINEAPPLE!