Year 4 News

Year 4

Despite the short term we have been able to jam pack lots of events and fun into our weeks in Year 4! 


Although we had many absent with illness (and we thank parents for keeping their children away when they are unwell) we were able to conduct our testing and assessment for reports. 



Over the past two weeks, students have been working on their oral presentations where they have been researching an explorer and learning about their discoveries, timelines of travel and the names of their vessels or transport along with more complex questions like, what was the impact and outcome of their exploration? 


Students have used different media to present and research such as power point, posters and 'kid friendly' search engines.


Check out these moments of them researching and presenting below:





In Maths we have been focusing on multiplication and our recent learning task was an Escape Room. Most students were successful in their escape using single by double digit multiplication and after that 2 by 2 digit multiplication to escape. Some managed to use multistep problem solving too – well done Year 4!


Please check out this Maths Antics clip about the process to solve double digit multiplication:


Congratulations to those students attending Early Morning Maths sessions too each Wednesday and taking ownership for their learning – well done!