
This term in music, Preps have been learning about sound and instrument families. They enjoyed experimenting, and gathering ideas about how to make their own instruments. 




Here are some examples of some simple home-made instruments:


STRINGED INSTRUMENTS: stretch rubber bands over a box. Any small container can work as the ‘sound box’. You can try plucking the ‘strings’ as they are, or add a stick under the strings to give more variety in pitch.


WIND INSTRUMENTS: cut straws at different lengths and tape together to make a ‘panpipe’. Blow over the straws. To make a ‘reed-like’ instrument, cut a ‘V’ shape in the end of a plastic straw – to play this one you need to place the cut end in your mouth, put a little pressure on using your lips, letting the cut V parts vibrate.


PERCUSSION: anything that you can HIT, SHAKE or SCRAPE can be a percussion instrument!!! To make a ‘Tuned Percussion’ instrument, add different heights of water to glass cups, and use a spoon to play!