Principal's Report

School Improvement

It was very exciting to see the work done during the summer break in our school grounds. Our school was awarded an Endangered Species Grant last year to protect and provide habitat for the Powerful Owl. 


The following contracted works were completed as part of the grant:

  • Demolition of the existing retaining walls and concrete between the oval and courts.
  • Levelling of soil and the installation of 30m3 mudstone boulders to retain the embankment and create a new seating amphitheatre.
  • Mulching of the embankment.
  • Mulching of the remnant vegetation area between the oval and Hardy Crescent.

These works were undertaken by BS Callow Earthworks and David Callow helped with pointing, raking and throwing in a few creative thoughts. I would like to thank Dave for his great work on this project.


As part of the grant we still have the following works to come:

  • Planting of 400 tubestock plants (to be completed with students in Autumn).  The tubestock will be a mix of ground-storey and mid-storey plants to create new habitat areas.
  • Installation of fencing and gates.  This will protect the plants and revegetation areas from foot traffic.
  • Installation of 2 x Powerful Owl nesting boxes.  These will be installed in the larger trees.

In addition to the work in the school grounds, we will be undertaking internal works to improve some of our learning areas throughout this year.  We have internal works scheduled in the 'ELC building' to create more storage space and improve the 'Discovery Learning' spaces between classrooms. This work is scheduled to be completed by the end of the Term 1 holidays. This will help with de-cluttering our spaces and create 'break-out' spaces that a suitable for target teaching of small groups and spaces for small groups of students to work collaboratively.


The School Council has also formed a working party to determine how we best utilise school funds to improve the learning areas across the school. We will make further announcements when decisions are made on the works we will undertake.

Working Bee

We will be holding a Working Bee on the afternoon of Friday 17th March from 3:30-5:30pm. Everyone is invited to come along and help, kids are welcome to stay and help or play and we will put on some food for those who come to help.


We will be focusing on building a garden bed and general tidy-up and maintenance of the school grounds.

School Council

Thank you to everyone who nominated to be on School Council. We will announce in the next few days whether an election will be necessary.