Assessment and Reporting

The partnership between parents/guardians, students and teachers is known to be vital in ensuring the best possible outcomes for young people. This year we are trialling a new method of communicating to parents/guardians of Yr 7-10 students when assessments are due and how students achieved on each assessment.

How do I know when my child should be completing a formal assessment?


Assessment Schedules:

On the following pages you will see a Semester 1 Calendar that indicates the week a test will be conducted in class or an assignment/essay/project is due to the teacher. This information is also on Compass.

Please note: some subjects are Electives or studied for only one Semester. You need to look at your child’s Schedule on Compass to know exactly which subjects they are studying each semester.


How do I know the results of Assessment Tasks?

Learning Tasks:







How do I know about their general progress at school?

Progress Reports/Semester Reports:

Progress Reports are completed every 6 weeks. They give you information about your child’s Learning Habits and whether or not they have completed the expected Learning Activities. The Semester Reports are completed in the last week of each semester and give more detailed information about the level of achievement.

To access the reports on Compass you click the link View Academic Reports.

How can I find out detailed information about my child and how I can best support them?

Parent-Teacher Interviews:

Parent-Teacher Interviews are held twice a year – at the end of Term 1 and Term 3. You will receive an alert via Compass when it is time to make appointments to visit your child’s teachers. More information about Parent Teacher Interviews will be available in the next Newsletter.

Calendar of Assessments: Semester 1

Year 7:

Year 8:


Year 9:


Year 10: