Principal's Report

David Reynolds - College Principal

Welcome to 2019

The 2019 school year has started at MSC with great enthusiasm and it has been wonderful to see that students have quickly settled into their programs.

Our first whole school assembly of the year was a great success with more than 1000 students seated calmly in the gym listening carefully to our School Captains and members of the College Leadership Team. It was great to see our new House Sports Captains receive their badges. Our Junior Sub-School Principal Ms Kathryn Sobey outlined how she will be working with students to give them a greater voice in the way the school runs and their learning.

Thank you to parents/carers for all of your work getting students ready for the school year. It has been great to see this effort has paid off with the vast majority of students coming to school each day in full uniform, with their full kit of equipment and materials and ready to get the most out of every lesson. Yesterday was school photo day and students wore their uniform with great pride creating memorable photos. It's an excellent standard to set and to keep throughout the year.

Our focus on reading and maths continues this year and teachers will be working hard to achieve progress for every child. Parents are encouraged to keep in close contact through Compass, email or phone.

Compass Parent Portal

Parents should have received an SMS asking them to log on to Compass, or contact the school if you have lost your password. If you are reading this newsletter Congratulations! you have access to Compass. You will know that you can see school calendar events, your child's attendance and timetable, learning tasks your child needs to complete and much more.

If you need any assistance with all of the things that Compass can tell you about your child, please email the college on or phone on 9743 3322. The college is planning a Parent Compass Information Forum before the end of the term and will provide details via SMS and Compass news feed.

Student Free Day

Parents and students are reminded that the day after the Labor Day weekend, Tuesday 12th of March will be a Curriculum Day and students will not be required to attend.  

We were delighted to receive a video message from students at our Sister School, Showa Junior High School.  This is a snap-shot.

Sister School - Showa JS Greetings
Sister School - Showa JS Greetings