Student Activities

Wildlife boxes for the Bush Fire Affected Areas
Early in 2020 there was the devastating bush fires that wiped out a huge amount of the forests in Victoria. In response to the loss of habitat for the native fauna, we were one of a group of schools to build wildlife breeding boxes to go to areas of the state such as Mallacoota. This became a real community effort with students from years 7-10 working on the boxes. It was a great opportunity for students to learn a variety of woodworking techniques in the short amount of time we had at school, while also contributing in a meaningful way to the community and the eventual regeneration of the ecosystem in Gippsland. In the final week of school, 43 wildlife boxes were delivered to the Nest Box Connections drop-off point ready to be distributed to where they are needed most. Thank you to all those students who worked so hard on this project.
Melissa Royale
Design Technology Domain Leader
Year 7 Separation Challenge
Over term 4, all year 7 students have been learning about all of the different ways that mixtures can be separated. These involved filtration, decanting, magnetic separation, evaporation, crystallisation, centrifuging, distillation and chromatography.
The students were then given the challenge of planning a series of these techniques to be able to separate a mixture that they were given. This required students to think carefully about the order in which to carry out the separations and then to carry out these tasks in a very safety conscious manner. The reports from teachers so far is that this year level has been the best so far, even though they missed out on months of being in the lab!
On Tuesday 8 December, 38 Year 10 leaders participated in the Peer Support Training Day which was held after the students had finished classes for the year. It was a real credit to these students that they were committed to use their own time to learn more about Peer Support and what would be involved for 2021.
During the day students had the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of activities which gave them the chance to work on their communication, organisation and leadership skills in order to be equipped with the skills to work with the year 7 students. Special thanks to the staff that helped with the training including Craig Waldron, Kelly Maxwell, Jaclyn Smith, Sarah Letho and Yolanta Chadwick. A big thank you to all the students for coming along on the day, we look forward to working with you and the Year 7 students next year.
Mrs. M Foster
Peer Support Co-ordinator
Year 7 made RUOK Cakes as one of their final remote learning tasks and on their return to school they produced juicy Fruit Pizzas.
Year 8 Food Studies Students made tasty Pastry Snacks while the Year 8 MasterChef students demonstrated their skills by designing their own Fruit Crumble and making Cup Cakes.
Year 9 Body Shop students made a tasty pasta dish that showcased dairy food as well as some hummingbird muffins and Year 11 finished their year whipping up a soufflé or creating healthy breakfast and burrito bowls.
Of course the year would not be complete without reindeer cakes by Year 11 students and Year 8 MasterChef students creating their own gingerbread men.
Year 7 Van Gough Paintings
Year 8 Netball Competition
Since some of the restrictions had been eased, our district was proactive enough to organize a netball competition in quick fashion.
With short notice and 2 quick training sessions, we were able to field 3 netball teams to compete on the day.
The girls had uncharacteristic netball weather to play in with it being 29 degrees that day, but they were still excited to get out onto the court and play the game they love and had missed.
With 6-minute quarters and 5 games back to back the girls worked really hard and had a great day out. The heat got to all players on the day but their persistence to work through it shone through.
We were happy with the way the girls played on the day and happy to be back on the court.
Mrs Brand, Mr Jack and Mr McCall
MUSIC : Year 8 Concert Band
It has been such a pleasure to work with the Year 8 Concert Band in 2020.
Although the year was something we did not expect, our musicians found ways to ‘work together from afar’ and create music that we can all enjoy. I am very proud of the determination and fun our group has enjoyed over the year. In both remote learning and school learning it has been special to see the special bond develop between the Year 8 musicians of 2020.