Student & School Community Achievements, School Management & Communication

Farewell to Liz Manton

Message from the Principal

In this final bulletin for the year, I would like to thank everyone for their support in my first six months at the school. It has been a unique time to transition to a new setting, but it has also been an enlivening one and a time that makes me proud to serve the public education system. Canterbury Girls High School has such a great culture of support and inclusivity and I am honoured to be a custodian of the school's strong academic and wellbeing culture over the coming years. 


Despite the challenges of 2020, our students have had a strong year academically and have achieved a great deal in the classroom and through participating in the co-curricular programs on offer. The ensembles are producing great music, dance and drama with the recent MADD performance showcasing the outstanding performance skills of our students who have worked so hard alongside teachers. The program was recorded and will soon be available for our school community to watch. Our visual arts program has also been a great success, with some outstanding HSC works, including Jennifer Nguyen's ​Feast of the First Morning of the First Day which has been selected for display in Art Express. I have also started a rotating display of year 10 art in my office and would like to congratulate all of the students whose teachers nominated their work to be displayed.


Our HSC results come out on Friday 18 December and I look forward to writing to you all then regarding the school's efforts and achievements. Many of our year 12 students already have an early offer into their courses and I wish all of year 12 the best of luck with their future work and study pathways.


We have continued our movement towards enhancing STEM in the school this year as well. We have offered a lunchtime robotics club, created a new learning space and are looking forward to the purchase of some new equipment in the new year to support engagement and learning in STEM in the early stages in preparation for senior learning. In 2021 we will be offering STEM subjects to more senior students than we have had in previous years, with strong subscription in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Food Technology, Textiles and Information Processes and Technology (IPT). The broadening array of subjects on offer complements our offerings in the humanities and arts. 


I have also enjoyed seeing such a successful sports program on offer in 2020. Student attendance and engagement is high and the range of sports on offer is quite unique and responsive to student interest. We also participated in the Premier's Sporting Challenge this year with more than 150 students and 30 staff completing the 10 week challenge. I certainly felt encouraged to increase my daily exercise and managed an average of 60 minutes per day by the end of the challenge. This is a great incentive for all to remember that balance is important and that we should all make time for physical activity in our day.    


My thanks to our P&C who have continued to serve the school in so many ways. The inaugural second-hand uniform shop last Friday was a great success and their fundraising initiatives and grant writing skills have placed the school in an excellent position. Our new dome area is a wonderful addition to the playground and could not have happened without their support.


I thank all parents for your patience and understanding as we have worked through many updates and changes related to COVID and for your support of the school in these times. I look forward to more opportunities next year to welcome parents back into the school. I would also like to acknowledge and thank the teachers for their efforts in this most challenging year. 


I wish you all a happy and safe holiday period.


Ms Belinda Conway - Principal

Liz Manton Farewell

The time has come to say goodbye. In January I will have been Teacher-Librarian at CGHS for 28 years and in June 2021 I will be turning 67 so it is time for me to say a fond farewell to the school, and to the Library which has been such a major part of my life since 1993.

It has been a rollercoaster ride of ups & downs – but throughout it all I have always fought for the Library and for the right of our students and staff to have access to information and reading materials appropriate for their needs.

I also believe strongly that the Library should be a place of refuge – somewhere to come to when things get you down, somewhere to relax and recover – books are such amazing escapes!

I am very proud of what the Library has become and very sad to be leaving – but after so many years teaching – over 40 total in first New Zealand, then London, then Australia – I have had enough.

I cherish some wonderful memories of former students – some of whom are now teaching colleagues and several whose daughters are now at CGHS – as well as more recent memories of current students and staff, mostly good, but some not so much.

So many of you have touched my heart – friends, colleagues and students – proving once again that CGHS is a special place with caring, inclusive and proactive students and supportive colleagues, but enough is enough and it is now time for me to move on to the next phase of my life – who knows what it will bring?

So if you see me out and about around the Inner West sometime don’t hesitate to say hello – I’ll probably remember your face but not your name but I’ll be glad to say hello back.

Wishing you all the success, peace and happiness you deserve.

All the best, Liz Manton Teacher-Librarian C.G.H.S. 1993 – 2020 😊

ARTEXPRESS Exhibition 2021

Congratulations to Jennifer Nguyen for her Graphic Design Body of Work entitled " Feast of the First Morning of the First Day" which was accepted to the prestigious Artexpress Exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW and the Margaret Whitlam Gallery. We are looking forward to seeing it in its new venue(s) in 2021.


Senior State Swimming Championships

Kylani Koloamatangi will be competing at the Senior State Age Swimming Championships from 12 - 17 December at Olympic Park. 

Message from the P&C

Thank you to our Year 12 parents

​The P&C would like to acknowledge the tireless hard work of parents on behalf of the school. We have three parents who have contributed significantly to the school over the past years and whose daughters have now graduated. We thank Lynne Scouller, Jenny Childs and Heather Veitch for their service. We have presented these parents with a token of appreciation on behalf of the P&C. 


P&C Second hand uniform sale

I'm happy to report that the first second hand uniform sale trial was a success, with $1,310 raised to contribute to a new 3D printer for the school. The 2021 year 7 parents and students arrived early, with a line-up before the 7:40am kickoff.

Thank you to school prefects Imogen, Georgia and Mieke who assisted with the setup and the P&C volunteers who ran the sale. Thank you also to all of the families who generously donated their outgrown or surplus uniforms.  You can continue to drop of uniforms to Office A, as the P&C will be running future sales in 2021, which will help us reach the 3D printer fundraising target. Stay tuned for updates.

Orientation Day Year 7 2021

On Tuesday 1 December we welcomed Year 7 2021 to CGHS where they were able to meet their peers, year advisors and teachers. They participated in a range of classroom experiences from science experiments to history investigations. 

RUFTS Winners for Term 4 

Congratulations to our student winners, whose work is shown below. 

After thoughtful consideration, the winners were selected by RUFTS teachers Ms Wang & Mr Trinh. 

The Team would like to thank all teachers for using RUFTS with our students to improve their problem-solving skills.

Special big thank you to our RUFTS teachers:

English - Ms Humphreys

Maths – Mr Nguyen & Ms Jwamer & Mr Trinh 

Science – Ms Cheung

HSIE – Ms Wang

PD/E/PH & LOTE – Ms Liu

TAS – Ms Jenkins

CAPA – Ms Wilson

Have a wonderful break. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Ms Conway, Jeevna Alagiri, Bhavna Alagiri, Ms Wang, Kristina Luong, Mr Trinh. absent: Anastasia Csergo
Kristina Luong
Jeevna Alagiri
Aanstasia Csergo
Bhavna Alagiri
Ms Conway, Jeevna Alagiri, Bhavna Alagiri, Ms Wang, Kristina Luong, Mr Trinh. absent: Anastasia Csergo
Kristina Luong
Jeevna Alagiri
Aanstasia Csergo
Bhavna Alagiri

Message from the SAM

As 2020 draws to an end, I would give thanks to:

  • Students/Caregivers - for their support and understanding throughout the year.  Special mention to Year 12 students in their final year at school.  We wish you all the very best in all your future endeavours.
  • Senior executive -  Belinda, Julie and Robyn.  Thanks for answering my many questions, support and leadership throughout the year.
  • Executive & Teaching staff - Thanks for all the hard work and effort in 2020.
  • SASS - I am extremely fortunate to work with staff who continually look for ways to improve our systems, communicate effectively and give more than they need to.  Above all, put the students need first.   I could not do the job I do without their efforts, input and sense of humour.   The current SASS team:  Brigid, Cheryl, Daniella, Lucy, Dianne, Maria, Hai Yen, Nursu, Caitlin, Jess, Rick, Helen and Johannah.

In 2021 there will be more changes to staff and offices.  We welcome Chantal Homer who will work a five day fortnight.  The other exciting news is office a and c will be combined.  This means all your needs  can be done in one area.


Payments via Credit Card - the Department has stated due to privacy and sensitive issues to not perform any Mail Order/Telephone (MOTO) transactions.


We thank caregivers for wanting to pay accounts and encourage the use of the  Department's Parent Online Payment system.  This is available via our website.


Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone all the best for the festive season.  I hope your break is safe, happy and restful.