Year of COVID 19

During Term 4, we welcomed back all students and staff to onsite learning and teaching following the COVID lockdown. There was an understandable level of both excitement and anticipation on the return to school but proved to be a very smooth and positive transition.
We would like to congratulate the whole school community for the way it has coped through the challenges of keeping safe and well throughout this COVID year. In particular, it has been challenging for our students who have shown an incredible level of determination, resilience, creativity and flexibility. We do acknowledge that some students have thrived in the remote and flexible environment, others have maintained their learning progress and some have found it difficult.
It has also been challenging for our dedicated teachers and education support staff, who have also shown an amazing level of determination to ensure that the students were supported throughout this disruptive year.
We congratulate the Year 12 Class of 2020 for achieving this significant milestone of completing 13 years of formal schooling during this extraordinary COVID year. We acknowledge the support of the teachers, friends, parents and family members in their journey. Celebrations have had to be modified due to the strict nature of the COVID protocols, but plans are underway to hold a Valedictory Dinner function in the new year.