Library News

Well it has been a disrupted year for us all however it has been wonderful to see students back in the library borrowing books, studying and socialising with their friends.
During November we recognised NAIDOC week and Remembrance Day with two displays. Titles of note included were:
Anzac Heroes : 30 Courageous Anzacs from WW1 & WW2 by Maria Gill
Readers will discover the triumphs and tragedies of our heroic Anzac soldiers – air force and navy servicemen, medics, a spy and a humanitarian – as each strive to survive wartime arenas across England, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific.
Growing up Aboriginal in Australia edited by Anita Heiss
This anthology showcases many voices, experiences and stories about growing up aboriginal in Australia. Accounts from well-known authors and high profile identities sit alongside those from newly discovered writers of all ages.
Young Dark Emu : A truer history by Bruce Pascoe (WINNER of the 2020 Children’s Book Council Eve Pownell Book of The Year Award).
Pascoe uses the diaries of early explorers and colonists to show us the Australia where Aboriginal people built houses, built dams and wells and farmed the land. Young Dark Emu is taken from the book Dark Emu written for older readers and includes extracts from many original nineteenth century colonial diaries.
Congratulations to all those Yr 7 and 8 students who participated in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge during remote learning. Our top two readers were Lily Bea Truman 7G and Stephanie Davis 7G. Certificates, signed by The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP, were presented to both the girls at their end of year assembly.
To all our students, we wish you a Merry Christmas and we wish you lots of happy reading over the holidays.
Mrs Kuhne, Mrs Kirby and Mrs Newnham