Principal's Report

Principal's Report
Dear parents, students and staff,
The Constancy of Change
Each of our years at school is memorable for a variety of reasons. But usually, there are a few aspects that are distinctly different and stand out in our minds as we think about them at a later date.
That is how I started my Principal's Page in the Fairgo edition of 2000, my first year at Fairhills.
Little did I think then, that the writing of my last Principal's Page would not occur for another 21 years. Nor that I would be writing it in the middle of a pandemic.
Of course, each of these 21 years has been different and memorable for particular reasons, but I am sure that in all our minds, 2020 will remain a stand out as 'the year of Covid.'
In Australia, gratefully, we have avoided the extreme impacts of the pandemic that many other countries have experienced, and are still continuing to experience. All of us have been negatively impacted, in one way or another, some unfortunately, quite profoundly. On the other hand, it has been amazing to see and hear about so many positives – more thoughtfulness of neighbours and strangers, learning Webex and other new computer skills, building personal resilience, extended exercise practices, new hobbies, more pets, a greater appreciation of how important friends are, increased use of parks and other community facilities – even as I heard on tonight's news, the best reduction of our collective carbon footprint in two decades.
However, in this ever-changing world, some things can thankfully remain the same. Fairhills has always had a reputation for friendliness and a cooperative approach to learning involving students, their families and the staff. This ethos already existed when I arrived 21 years ago. It continues to this day, and I'm sure it will continue as Fairhills enters a new era in 2021.
Fairhills is a fine school, firmly based on clear vision and values. Together with the surrounding primary and secondary schools, it works cooperatively to make a significant and valued contribution to the educational opportunities for the students in our well-regarded Knox community.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of Fairhills and joining with many others to contribute to its many excellent features. These include our 'Multiple Learning Pathways' curriculum, the Performing Arts, Basketball and STEM Academies, the language and cultural enrichment of our Japanese and international students' programs, and the entrepreneurial 21st Century Global Classroom. The purple and green uniforms are a vital and unique expression of our school – as is our motto of 'Achieving Excellence', which sits happily with the logo. The inter-connecting loops in the logo represent the purple of the school and the green of our Knox community, which work together to nurture, educate and develop well-rounded students. The purple sphere soars upwards and outwards, representing each of our students as they leave to make their distinctive contributions in the wider world.
In conclusion, I want to thank Fairhills for the support and encouragement I have received from so many in innumerable ways. It has been a joy and a privilege to serve the school community as Principal. I take this opportunity to congratulate Ian Van Schie as the incoming Principal and extend to him and the school my very best wishes for the future.
Harvey Wood