EXCEL Academic

EXCEL Academic - February

The EXCEL team have hit the ground running. After a good summer break, the students got back into their work quickly. 8E, with the assistance of Mrs. Osmers, helped design a lesson on the safety and use of Bunsen burners. The students in 8E were then able to successfully teach the students in 7E how to safely and correctly light a Bunsen burner and acquire their Bunsen burner licence. This task allowed students to build on their communications, creative and collaboration skills.


Selected students in Year 9 and 10 are taking part in online science classes run by Emerging Science Victoria (ESV). Some of the courses undertaken by the students include Neuroscience, Medical Physics, Bioinformatics and Frontiers of Physics. This is a highly engaging online class where the students are able to collaborate with students from other schools in Victoria in a virtual space on a topic of their interest. Initial feedback from the students are very positive and the students are very excited to be involved in this program.


Students in 7E and 8E will be involved in the da Vinci Decathlon in May. Only 8 students are required to participate in this competition, so the students will be selected based on teacher judgement and merit. In 2019, 7E won the ‘Code Breaking’ Category out of 15 schools and we hope to build on from that this year.

Mr Pravikash Chandra

EXCEL Academic Coordinator