Music Lessons
Itinerant Music Lessons
This is a fantastic opportunity to improve musicianship and get on board to receive lessons on an instrument through specialists in their field. We are offering lessons for: Trumpet/ Trombone, Clarinet/ Saxophone, Piano, Voice, Guitar, Bass, Songwriting and Drums.
Mr Taylor Randall
Trumpet and Trombone (Brass)
Currently studying Trumpet and Contemporary Music at the Conservatorium.
Experienced in Concert Band, Jazz and Classical technique and Stage Band.
Ms Andrea Marks
Alto/ Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet
Bachelor of Music and experienced Woodwind specialist and Concert Band conductor.
Mr Isaac Westwood
Bass Guitar (beginner – advanced) and beginning guitar (includes Guitar for worship band)
Experienced Worship Pastor and professional musician. Isaac is a proficient bass player, guitarist and singer.
Miss Elora Woods
Voice: Intermediate - Advanced
Currently studying voice at the Conservatorium of Music. Proficient technique in Contemporary, Music Theatre and Classical voice!
Mr Chris Lawson
Played and toured with Planet Shakers, an amazing drummer, teacher and mentor.
Mrs Christine Park
Piano, Keyboard, Voice and Songwriting
Bachelor of Music and experienced in contemporary and classical piano, voice and songwriting.
To come: (Please express your interest)
Cost $30.00 per lesson
Lessons are run during school time and payment is per term.
Please email the office and provide the following information:
Your child’s name and Instrument:
Previous experience:
Focus - Andrea Marks
Hi! My name is Andrea Marks. I studied at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music and have a Bachelor of Arts (Music) majoring in oboe and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching. I am a classroom music teacher as well as having taught oboe, clarinet, saxophone, piano and flute in Queensland and Tasmania over the past 26 years. I have performed in youth and community orchestras and bands and currently play as part of a music team at my local church. I love to share God’s gift of music with others and to help them develop their music skills and love of music.