From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Caregivers, Konnichiwa!


If you have ever sat and googled gratitude, one comes up with pages and pages of suggestions.  It is important to realise that just having “things” doesn’t always equate to gratitude. Showing gratitude is much more than a simple’ thanks’ without further thought.


Practising gratitude daily goes a long way to improving your happiness in all areas of your life. Gratitude opens the door to more relationships, improves physical and psychological health, enhances empathy and reduces aggression, helps with sleep and improves self esteem.


We live in such a busy world. Sometimes we should take stock and ‘smell the roses’ as they say and be thankful.  Remember to let the people in your life know just how much you appreciate them. When was the last time you performed a Random Act of Kindness?


Australia's Biggest Morning Tea at Grange


The staff at Grange Primary recently participated in a fantastic morning tea organised by Claudia Broadway and her team for the Biggest Morning Tea. They raised $600 for the Cancer Council. Well done!

Jan Taylor, Principal

Grange Primary School