Principal's Report

Enrolment Interviews for 2020  

This week our senior leadership team have been interviewing our New Year 7 2020 students and their families. When asked why they have chosen to come to St Johns, many spoke of the schools fine reputation that had been shared with them by past students and their families or they had observed through interaction with our students in the community. I have no doubt that our students are the best advertisement for our great school. Enrolment tours and information evenings continue throughout this year for 2020 and 2021 students. 


For those looking for enrolment information please refer to our school website or contact our Enrolment Registrar Ms Symone Goodwin via the main office.

St John’s Regional College


Archbishop of Melbourne Peter A Comensoli recently confirmed the St John’s Regional College Chaplains for 2019. Our Chaplains play an important role in contributing to the spiritual growth of both teachers and students as well as strengthening the important partnerships between home, school and parish. I welcome them and look forward to their leadership and involvement in our faith community.

Rev Kevin Dance CP PP St Paul Apostle

Rev Deacon George Piech Meat St Mary’s Dandenong

Father Martin Jeramias IVDei St Anthony’s Noble Park

Rev Brendan Lane PP Sr Mary’s Dandenong,

Father Desmond Moloney PP St Kevin’s Hampton Park

PNG Container Project

A highlight of the recent Tercentenary celebrations in Melbourne was the coming together of the four school in Melbourne that share a Lasallian heritage, St Bede’s, De La Salle Malvern , St John’s Regional College Dandenong and St James East Bentleigh. A follow-up meeting of the Lasallian Principals last week discussed ways in which the Melbourne schools could continue to work together in pursuit of shared Lasallian ideals and mission. The idea of a joint container project is in development with the assistance of the Lasallian Mission Council. This will see a shipping Container based at St Johns being filled by the four Melbourne schools with educational supplies and equipment to be supplied to a Lasallian school in Papua New Guinea.

The Container Project has the potential to make a wonderful contribution to support Lasallian staff and students in our needy schools in PNG with even the container being converted to teacher housing once emptied. Further updates will be provided as to how each of our school communities can contribute as this joint project is realised in the coming months.

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) runs annually from 27 May – 3 June. These dates mark two milestones in Australia’s Reconciliation journey. On the 27th of May in 1967 an Australian Referendum was held to  give the Commonwealth the power to make special laws for Aboriginal people and count them in population statistics , while the 3rd of June marks the day 26 years ago the historic Mabo decision recognised right of native title to land for our indigenous population.

The 2019 National Reconciliation week theme “Grounded in Truth, Walk Together with Courage “reminds us of the journey both behind us and ahead of us as we work to give our Nation’s first people the dignity and respect all are entitled to when we are made in the image of God.
















Dear Loving Lord, Creator of all,

you created us all in your own image,

one image - many colours,

one image - many cultures.

You made us come together like a rainbow,

separate parts but coming together in one creation.

Help us to see the beauty you have created in each and every one of us.

Dear Loving Lord, we are your creation,

hear the cries of your people.

You gave us ears to hear and eyes to see,

open our eyes to what you want us to see,

help us always to look to you to see the wisdom of your ways.

Dear Loving Lord, Creator of all,

you gave us hearts to love and minds to reason.

Help us to understand our differences and grow in love for each other.

Help us to come together as the rainbow comes together, many colours, shining as one creation over all the earth as you intended us to be.

In the name of your dear Son, Jesus Christ.


Year 12 Retreat

Last week despite freezing conditions, our Year 12 students participated in a highly successful retreat program at Yellingbo and Gembrook. Facilitated by the Lasallian Youth Ministry Team and our own staff ,the year 12 students appreciated the opportunity to leave the stresses of exams and assessments behind and reconnect with their journey of who am I and what is my purpose. Our retreats in conjunction with our Religious Education program are key platforms by which we offer opportunities for faith development through personal sharing, prayer and sacramental celebrations. This is central to our purpose as a Catholic school and a community of faith.

 I wish to thank our Director of Faith and Mission – Mr Rhynehart, our Lasallian Youth Ministry Team, including our own Youth Minster Harmony Miller, Camp Organiser Ms. Judy Bishop and all the other staff who worked superbly with our students. It was a memorable and joyful experience for all.

SIS Cross Country


On a cold and wet Tuesday on the 27th of May, our SIS Cross Country Team ventured to Baxter Park in Frankston South to compete in the SIS Division B Cross Country Championship. Finishing fourth overall in Division B, I congratulate our students for their competitive spirit and thank Mr Alexander, Mr Wintle, Mr Laing, Ms Holly, Ms Bortolus, Ms Davies and Mr Summons for their coaching and encouragement of our students on the day.


Student Wellbeing Counsellor – Mr Milan Colic is taking some well-deserved Long Service Leave over the next six weeks and has been replaced by Counsellor – Ms Sandra Groves. Ms Groves is an experienced Counsellor with Access EAP and will be working on Tuesday and Friday and complementing our team of Counsellors consisting of Ms Fiona Busuttil, Ms Jo Webb and Ms Arlene Diston.

Pentecost Sunday 

This Sunday the 9th of June is Pentecost Sunday. On this day, which marks the end of the Easter Season we also celebrate the beginning of the church as we know it. The descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday changed the followers of Christ dramatically seeing them turn from a fearful and reluctant group of followers to an inspired and passionate group of Christian Leaders. In Galatians 5:22, the fruits of the Holy spirit are referred to as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control. Pope Francis says that the gifts of the Holy spirit has been bestowed upon the Church and upon each one of us, so that we may live lives of genuine faith and active charity, that we may sow the seeds of reconciliation and peace. We need now more than ever the courage, hope, faith and perseverance of Christ’s followers so we can continue the work of building our World and our community in the image of God.