Careers News

Year 10 Work Experience - Term 2 and 3


Many students were out and about on Work Placement during Term 2 and 3.  Students had a taste of the world of work, and a snapshot of life in their aspiring profession.  Feedback from employers has been great; students have made valuable contributions to their work places. 

Kangan Experience day

A group of students from Sydenham and KP participated in experience days at Kangan. Students explored various area of study; students participated in some hands on activities. This was a great opportunity for our students to explore their potential careers interests.




Ms Jenny Zahra



Copperfield  is pleased to introduce Maria Cox, our regional HeadStart Coordinator who is working with government schools across Brimbank and Melton. She will be based at Copperfield Delahey campus supporting senior VCAL students who are committed to an apprenticeship pathway and wish to get a “headstart” whilst completing Year 12.

The HeadStart program has been introduced across a few select areas across Melbourne and regional Victoria. We are fortunate to be involved in the Career and Pathway reforms that are being implemented across the state and  see great value for our students who are eligible for HeadStart.

Students wishing to find out more about HeadStart should contact Sam DeSilva, Pathways and VET Coordinator for eligibility requirements. Maria can be contacted via email at or the office next to Campus Leaders office.



Ms Maria Cox

HeadStart Coordinator