Do You Know?

Do you know that a 'Book Parade' will be held this year?

A ‘Book Parade’ is held to celebrate Book Week (in non-school concert years - usually in August). Students will be asked to dress up in a particular way e.g. to do with the Book Week theme, a book on the shortlist or other favourite book, or something to do with a particular author. Students and staff will parade around the undercover area and parents and grandparents are welcome to attend.

A variety of special activities will be enjoyed by our students as a lead up to and after Book Week. Activities in the past have included studying the shortlisted books from the Children’s Book Council Awards, authors, illustrators and other literary activities.

Do you know that our School Concert and Carols are held in alternate years?

This year is our Carols Night (Friday 6 December) and next year is the School Concert.

Do you know that students in Years 4, 5 & 6 go on camp every year?

Our Camping Program is one of our many extra-curricular activities. Our 2019 camps will be held on the following dates:


Year 4: Monday 7 - Wednesday 9 October

Year 5: Monday 21 – Friday 25 October

Year 6: Monday 18 – Friday 22 November