College Matters

School Council Report
I could not be prouder of being part of the MGSC community and delighted to have been to re-appointed as a Parent Member of Council.
The past two years have seen such positive changes occurring within the school, from upgrading and beautifying our school grounds, to planning exciting new building projects, as well as seeing some outstanding increases year on year in the students’ academic and ATAR results.
Council Members certainly hit the ground running at our recent February Council meeting, with a packed agenda covering loose ends from 2018 along with all of the new business arising from the commencement of the 2019 school year.
We heard how our school has welcomed many new teaching staff after MGSC farewelled a number of dedicated and well-loved teachers who retired at the end of 2018. We also spoke about the overall promising staff and parent surveys feedback the school received in 2018.
2019 will see the School Council working harder than ever on many projects, including the realisation of our new STEAM Centre - the construction of which we hope to see commencing later this year. This building, which will be 100% funded by school raised funds, will provide state-of-the-art spaces for our students to engage in the STEAM subjects of the future.
As you may be aware, the second half of 2018 saw myself and our Council President James Malliaros actively lobbying our State political representatives to seek funding for much needed renovation and or replacement of our aging buildings at MGSC. Sadly, we did not secure promises of funding from both parties which is why the school is self-funding the upgrading of our facilities.
School Council is committed to continuing our fight for fair funding, and will be welcoming both Tim Richardson MP and Brad Roswell MP to our May Council Meeting - where we hope to communicate our concerns and re-affirm our intent to continue to lobby the government moving forward.
In closing, I wish all of our staff and students a fantastic year ahead and hope to see another productive school year producing wonderful outcomes for all.
Rachael Angus
Vice President
Compass is now being used for payments and to give approval for excursions/events. To do so, log into your parent portal. Any payments and consents that are due will be visible on your home page, above the news items. These items are highlighted in green. If all payments have been made and all approvals given, there will be no items to view.
We are continuing to use Compass for news feeds, monitoring attendance, providing feedback on learning tasks and booking parent/teacher interviews.
Please ensure that only you are the only one to access the parent portal, especially when entering student illnesses and appointments.
If you do not recall your Compass ID and/or password, please send an email to the ICT Helpdesk to request your Compass login and password.
Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA)
All parents are welcome to attend the PFA AGM at 7pm on Tuesday 5 March in the staffroom.
Refreshments will be provided. We will be electing the committee and planning for the Year 7 Welcome Picnic and Open Evening.
Year 7 Family Welcome Picnic
Friday 15 March on the school oval from 6pm - 8pm
This is an opportunity for Year 7 families to meet one another. BYO picnic dinner and drinks, picnic rug/chairs.
MGSC Book Swap and Sell Facebook page
This Facebook page has been administered by PFA volunteers. Thanks to Emma and Jo for their work. This page will stay open until end of February and will then be closed down. It will reopen late in 2019 in readiness for the 2020 school year
Carol Duggan & Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principals