Victorian School of Languages classes have commenced at Mentone Girls' Secondary College.
We are delighted that the VSL has chosen our College as a venue for their classes from 2019.
This a great program:
- Classes are open to all school-aged students - not just MGSC or girls
- Runs Saturdays 9am to 12.20pm
- Low cost
- Years 1 to 10 - $80 per year
- Years 11 & 12 (VCE) - $95 per year
- Offering Chinese First Language
- Offering Chinese Second Langauge
- Languages offerings will expand to meet demand
- Enrolments are open now
- Contact Area Manager Kon Papas on 9558 5566 or konp@vsl.vic.edu.au
- Further information to enrols online visit www.vsl.vic.edu.au
- Spread the word!
See VSL's flier for more information.