Musical Notes

Music Captains, Vince Ravida (left) and Zen Zaccara (right) recently attended the first AHOMINGS meeting of the year.

Musical Notes


Congratulations to Robert Becker and the cast of TRUTH on a fantastic production at the Fringe last week. The show was very well received and was reviewed 4.5/5 stars by the Adelaide Theatre Guide

You can read the review on the Fringe Event - Truth page later in this Newsletter.



On Wednesday  28 March the Music Captains, Zen Zaccara and Vince Ravida, attended the first of the AHOMINGS Meetings for the year (Association of Heads of Music in Non-Government Schools) at St Peter’s College. The leaders were involved in workshops led by facilitators from UniSA as well as previous Music Captains.  It was a valuable experience for all to network and share with others in the same positions from other schools. Please see the Music Captain's reflection below. 


On Friday 1 June, Blackfriars will host the second meeting for the year.  We have the privilege also to host Music Education and Neuroscientist Academic Dr Anita Collins.


Election Day Fundraiser

On Saturday 17 March, our Friends of Music will be hosting a fundraiser for Generations in Jazz in conjunction with the State Election.  Blackfriars have a polling booth, so come along for a sausage sizzle and drink while voting.  There will be performances from our students in the Black Orleans.


Music Camp Incursion Day

On Tuesday 20 March, students involved in Stage Bands and Senior Vocal Group will participate in a day of workshops.  It will be followed by a concert in the Performing Arts Centre at 2:00pm and parents and friends are most welcome to attend.


Gen Connection Concert

All parents are invited to our Gen Connection Concert with St Mary’s, St Michael’s, CBC and Nazareth College on Sunday 8 April at The Gov.  Blackfriars students will be performing at approximately 1:30pm.  (Please open the link below for further details).

Book a table for lunch by contacting the Governor Hindmarsh and tickets can be purchased via


We are also calling for raffle items for the day; if they could please be brought to the Music Office by Wednesday 4 April we would be most appreciative.


Some wonderful opportunities ahead and I thank everyone for their support and involvement.


Miss Jessica Reppucci



AHOMINGS Reflection

During Wednesday of Week 5, we were invited as Music Captains to St Peter’s College to attend the 1st AHOMINGS meeting for the year – (Association of Heads of Music from Non-Government Schools). There we spent the morning with other passionate Music Captains from various schools, getting to know other captain’s roles in their music programs and vision for the future. After an eventful morning tea, we all separated from our music directors and partook in a group exercise led by representatives from the University of South Australia, collectively gaining a new perspective on the importance and meaning of a leader. We were then fortunate enough to enjoy a truly inspirational performance from the St Patrick’s senior vocal group before lunch. Following that lunch, we had the great opportunity of meeting previous Music Captains, learning from their experience as Music Captains and as pursuers of music post high school. All in all this was an enjoyable experience for both me and Vince and we can both say that we are very excited for our roles as Music Captains and will be willing to provide a valuable contribution to the music program this year.


Zen Zaccara, Year 12 Music Captain Vince Ravida, Year 11 Music Vice Captain