International News

Happy New Year

The Lunar New Year is undoubtedly the most important event in the Chinese calendar.

February 16 2018 marks the beginning of the Year of the Dog and the celebrations go on for 15 days.

Many will be very excited to welcome health, wealth and good relationships to come in the New Year.


We took the opportunity to celebrate this festival with our International students who cannot be with their families.


They had an enjoyable time and were filled with great energy and enthusiasm and customs in the celebration over lunch.


No matter how you choose to celebrate the Lunar New Year in 2018, we wish you all families xīnnián kuàilè-新年快乐


Gǒu nián dàjí---狗年大吉 



Happy New Year and May the Year of the Dog bring lots of Happiness and Prosperity to you all.


Ms Eleanor Low