Primary School News

Primary School



Dear Families


Well done on getting to the end of the school year. It has been a fabulous end to the year. The staff have worked tirelessly to create an environment where the students were able to thrive. Students have been on a variety of excursions and participated in lots of social team building activities. This has all been very well received in light of what was a very challenging year.


Although there were challenges, we also experienced much success. The Steiner classes all practiced and performed their class plays. The Main program students all completed their projects and shared them in a variety of realms across the school.


Our Prep class of 2022 participated in a very fulfilling Prep transition program. Parents and students were finally able to join us onsite and experience the school face to face. Next year our Prep cohort welcomes 10 siblings to the fold. I think this speaks volumes about the programs we run at Collingwood College. I'd like to thank the staff who supported this wonderful transition program and for the staff who came to greet the new families.


Our Current Year 6 2021 students are currently preparing for their long awaited Graduation Ceremony. This will be held tomorrow on the front basketball court at 2pm. The open air ceremony will include a Guard of Honour hosted by the current Year 5 students. Sam Luck College Principal and I will be there to welcome parents and hand out certificates. I’d like to thank all of the staff involved for their work around creating a covid safe ceremony for this occasion.


I look forward to many events we have planned for 2022. We need to make up for lost time and take back what we hold so dear as a school community.


Staff will be back onsite completing professional development on 

Friday January 28th and Monday January 31st.


Students in Years 1-12 will return onsite Tuesday February 1st.

Prep students will begin their journey on Thursday February 3rd.


Have a relaxing and wonderful break with your children. I look forward to seeing you safely back at school on Tuesday, February 1st 2022.





Margaret Doucas

Primary School Assistant Principal




Year 5 & 6 - Trade in China: Past & Present

At the start of Term 4, Year 5 and 6 students began a new topic on the trade of China: Past and Present - learning about the origins of currency used in ancient China and how the Chinese characters related to money were formed, to early bank notes and modern currency. We finished off the topic with the creation of their own 'Monopoly'-inspired board game, their own design of bank notes, while practising their numbers in Chinese.

Students have displayed great team work, amazing creativity, and took a lot of pride in the games they have created. 

Well done!

LOTE Department


Prep Reggio Students - How do animals talk to each other?

Prep students worked on a large project- an installation exploring how animals talk to each other. The class worked with a variety of materials including recording their own voices making animal sounds, collecting bark and working with paint and clay. 


1-2 Reggio - Wall Sculpture Sound

Year 1-2 students have been making a large wall installation representing sound. It has been situated in the piazza near the prep and 1-2 room for everyone to enjoy. 


Angela Dionysopoulos

Reggio Emilia inspired Art Performing Arts program





Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Naomi at: