Principal Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to week 7 of term 4. We are nearing the end of a very long year, with lots of ups and downs and lots of changes and adjustments. Thank you all for your support of us as we navigate the evert changing environment.
Whilst we as a community learn to live with Covid as the State reaches a high vaccination rate, we are very adept at adjusting to the changes that are ever occurring. As I write I hear there is more change around the requirements for the Primary Close Contacts, which is what the children are classified as if they have been in a class with a positive case. I am attending a briefing at 4.00 today so will communicate new information tomorrow.
Rapid Antigen Testing: We have been fortunate to be able to have students back on-site after 7 days of isolation if their class has had exposure to a positive Covid case. This is optional and requires a second Day 6 test showing negative to be part of this. We provide the kits at no cost to the families. This may change with the latest update, but again I will let you know when I hear more.
School Review: At this stage we have had 2 full days with the Review Team, who have been observing classes, speaking to students, staff and parents about our school. They are genuinely interested in what we do, to help work out what we can do better. We have one more day where we will discuss their findings and set the directions for the next 4 years, including setting anew vision and identifying the values we will uphold as a school moving forward. Thank-you to the parents who took some time out of their day to speak to Wendy last week. Also thank-you to the parents who completed the surveys earlier in the year that formed part of this process.
2022 Prep Transition: Yesterday we welcome some of our Preps who will be joining us next year as part of the Prep Orientation Program. Unfortunately, their parents can’t join us on-site but most were happy to wave at them at the gate. The children had a wonderful time and we look forward to welcoming them again next week.
Canteen: The canteen re-opened this week, which is fantastic for us. The new owner has been getting to know the children and has commented on how well-mannered they have all been. Please remember orders can be sent in a paper bag or made online.
Volunteers On-site: Parents who come on-site in a volunteer capacity, such as Parents Club, parent helpers, cutting up fresh fruit, sausage sizzle etc will need to be fully vaccinated and will need to show their certificate as they sign in. Parents who enter the school for meetings will not need to be fully vaccinated, but will be required to wear a mask and sign in.
Prep Enrolments for 2022: If you have a child in preschool, or is turning 5 before 30th April 2022, we are accepting enrolments for Prep 2022. Please call the office for details and to book an appointment with a member of the Principal Class team, either by phone or by WebEx. If you have family or friends with children who should start school next year, please encourage them to contact the school for a Prep Enrolment Pack and an interview time. Unfortunately, we cannot do School Tours until things settle down. Once we get the all clear we will let everyone know because we are looking forward to showing everyone our wonderful school.
2022 Plans: We will be beginning the process of forming new class grouping for 2022 during Term 4. In order to know how many classes we will need please contact the office to let us know so we can plan accordingly. If you are unsure of the new school that is okay, we do not need to know that information at the moment.
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa