From the Principal

Ms Noelene Hussey

Dear Families,


This week we begin to celebrate Advent, the Church season where we prepare for the birth of Jesus. It is a time when we can reflect on the ways that God is present in our lives now and in the future. As our prayer says our lives are very busy at the moment as we prepare for Christma and the upcoming holidays so hopefully we can make time to stop, reflect and hope for peace, unity and good health.


As you are aware we have had several cases of our children being tested positive for COVID. If there is a positive case in your child’s class then you need to have them tested and once negative they can return to school. I ask that if your child is unwell, that you keep them at home. If a child presents at our sick bay unwell, we will be calling parents for them to be collected so we hope that if this happens, you are understanding of the situation we are in at the moment.  It is imperative that we are ensuring our children and staff are safe at all times. 


Congratulations to our Year 4 children who received the Eucharist for the first time last week. Our children were lucky enough to have their extended family attend this very special celebration. I would like to thank our children and families who had to wait several months to celebrate this very special celebration. Also thank you to our teachers, Rachel Dale, Shandar Stormland, Yvette Lupa, Elizabeth Grieve and Bern Anderson for preparing the children, Simon Maltese and Lyn Plumber for organising the celebrations and Fr Kevin and Fr John for celebrating the masses.


School Closure Day

A reminder to all parents of our School Closure Day on Friday 3rd December.

On this day all staff will meet together to handover information to the 2022 class teachers as well as beginning the process of planning and preparation for the new year.

Out of school hours care is available for families who require this service.  


End of Year Events

Pre COVID, St Anne’s held many events to celebrate the end of the year. Unfortunately for the second year in a row this cannot happen. This has been a difficult decision for us to make as we value these events and the opportunity for our community to gather together and enjoy each other's company as well as recognising the great work our children and staff do. The decision has been based on the need to be safe whilst COVID is present in our school and we wish all families are able to celebrate Christmas and the holiday period with extended family members and friends without worrying about being exposed to COVID risks.  







A reminder that our school year ends on Wednesday December 15th at 1.30pm. 


Our children will meet their new teachers and classmates on Thursday. This is an exciting time for our children and their teachers. When we place children in classes we always look at academic ability, social and emotional wellbeing and then friendships. A lot of time and effort has gone into placing children in their 2022 classes and changes cannot be made. Our staff are looking forward to meeting their children they will be teaching in 2022 and then developing positive relationships with them throughout the year. 

Positive Behaviour for Learning

We continue to focus on our expectations at St Anne’s. Our focus for the remainder of the year will be RESPECT. If our children are being respectful they are considering the feelings of themselves and others through their actions and words. 

Our focus in our classrooms will continue to be using our manners as well as ensuring we are caring and being patient with one another. We want all our children to finish off the year having positive experiences with their friends so we will be constantly reminding our children to show they care for their friends by playing fairly and respecting their feelings.

At home you can support us by encouraging your children to show respect towards their siblings and reminding them to ensure they are not hurting their feelings by the way they act or what they say. 

School Fees

School Fees have recently been sent to you. If you are experiencing any difficulties please contact Nicole Asciak, our Bursar. I have been asked about your excursion levies. Any money that has not been used will be reimbursed. This will differ for each level as some classes were able to participate in some excursions or incursions before we were locked down.


Please keep the Apap, Magro and Montalti families in your prayers as their Grandfather recently passed away.

We pray for Benjamin Kirkby and his  family as his Papa passed away recently. 


God Bless,



Ms Noelene Hussey