Principal's Message

Last week saw the commencement of the 2021 Higher School Certificate exams and the culmination of our Year 12 cohort’s secondary education. At their farewell, I spoke of the admirable resilience and commitment I have seen them demonstrate in response to the  significant challenges they have faced during the past few years. The need to relocate to a temporary school campus, COVID and two periods of learning from home was not enough to deter them. They chose to take these challenges in their stride and as a result, they are much stronger in spirit for it. Along with their Year Adviser, Ms Blewitt, and all members of school staff, I am sincerely proud of each of them and wish them every success and happiness in their lives ahead. 


On another positive note, the master planning and concept design phases for our new school are complete and the State Significant Development (SSD) application for the project has now been lodged with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). Our new school design looks terrific. Great care has been taken to understand the community’s needs and those of our staff and students in order to inform the design of the school. Our new school will most definitely be an incredible new asset to the community and stand us in excellent stead for twenty first century learning.


Next Wednesday, a local community information session will be held at the Wee Waa Bowling Club to provide people with the opportunity to find out more about the project scope and benefits, timeline and the design approach. There will even be a virtual ‘fly through’ of the new school, giving you the opportunity to see our new school design in 3D. More information and a link to register can be found further in this newsletter. The first two community briefings were postponed due to COVID travel restrictions, so it’s very pleasing that this briefing is able to go ahead as planned. I encourage everyone to attend. Due to Covid restrictions, booking are essential. Book here


We were pleased to welcome our Director of Education and Leadership (DEL), Kris Pizarro back to Wee Waa High School this week. Kris supports 21 public school principals across the Namoi Principal Network, working with them to manage their schools effectively and deliver excellence in education. She is a terrific supporter of our school.


Our digital transformation is running very well and has been embraced by staff and students alike. The transformation has been greatly aided by the addition of Mr Robert Eaton in the role of Deputy Principal, Instructional Leader – Digital Transformation. This transformation puts Wee Waa High School in an excellent position for 21st Century leaning. 


Lastly, but not least, I want to thank all of our students from year 7 to 12, for the improvements we are seeing in their focus, behaviour and cooperation. The school began this term with a “reset” of our Classroom Expectations and there is already evidence of a combined, consistent effort and more settled classroom environments. Well done everyone, and thank you to every member of staff for the terrific job you are doing to support the renewal of these guidelines. 


Yours sincerely

Annabel Doust