Water Activities

For the safety of students wishing to participate in certain school water-based activities and programs, it is important that parents provide the school with up-to-date and accurate information when completing a Consent2Go permission for any water activity.
Your child/ren will need to be able to demonstrate they have achieved the following Department of Education Vacswim Certificates/Levels or equivalent in order to be included in the different levels of water activity. This can be by either holding the nominated Swimming Certificate OR being able to demonstrate they can meet the requirements.
Primary Swimming Carnival: To compete in WACSSA qualifying events, students need to have completed Swimming Certificate Water Sense/Surf Sense OR be able to swim 25m freestyle plus 15m of breaststroke or 15m of survival backstroke. (Level 5) Students at a lower level may be accommodated in modified or novelty events suitable for their swimming competency.
Adventure World (Y6): Completed Swimming Certificate Water Sense/Surf Sense OR be able to swim 25m freestyle plus 15m of backstroke and breaststroke or survival backstroke. (Level 5)
Secondary Swimming Carnival: Completed Swimming Certificate Junior OR be able to swim 50 m freestyle, or freestyle and one other stroke, continuously. (Level 6)
Outdoor Education: Completed Swimming Certificate Water Wise/Surf Wise OR be able to swim effectively using a range of strokes over 200m. Students will need to demonstrate the ability to swim 200m in six-seven minutes or less. (Level 8)
Camps | General water activities with life jackets: Completed Swimming Certificate Water Intro Awareness OR be able to swim 15 m freestyle, 10 m backstroke and 10 m survival backstroke. (Level 4)
Camps | General water activities WITHOUT life jackets: Completed Swimming Certificate Junior OR be able to swim 50 m freestyle, or freestyle and one other stroke, continuously. (Level 6)