General Information

School Safety
1. Students early to school and picked up late
To ensure the safety of all students, parents and carers are asked not to drop their children off at the College early and/or pick them up late, as duty teachers do not begin supervision until 8.00 am in the morning and finish patrolling at 3.30pm in the afternoon. If your child is unavoidably on school grounds outside of these times, please ensure they know to wait outside Student Services.
2. Student use of playground equipment before and after school
For the safety of the students, parents and carers are reminded that their children are not permitted to play on the College playground equipment before and after school, and are asked to ensure their children know they must not play on the equipment unless a supervising adult is in attendance.
3. Sun Safety
As we are a sun safe school, the College reminds parents and carers that students must have a school hat and are expected to wear it whenever they are outside, including when they are in the shade. Due to the ‘no hat, no play’ rule, if students do not have a hat they will be asked to sit in Student Services for the duration of break times. The College also encourages the regular use of sunscreen and advises that large bottles are available at Student Services for student use.
Food Allergy Awareness
Parents/carers are reminded that The King’s College is an ALLERGY AWARE SCHOOL and the provision of foods containing nuts should be avoided. Given the significant number of enrolled students with allergies, including a number with potentially life-threatening anaphylactic reactions, the College urges you to please support us in making the school environment a safe place for all students at all times. Thank you.
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). More information about this process is can be found in the documents below:
Kings Worship Academy is a unique initiative of our school where we not only train our Year 11 and 12 students towards their Certificate IV in Music but also develop the skills of dozens of worship leaders and church music coordinators from around the city. We train our academy students to lead worship and use their musical gifts to make our world a more positive.
We cover topics from songwriting, leadership, worship lifestyle, musicianship techniques, biblical understanding and contemporary production, to name a few. It’s such a privilege to host such a community-impacting program.
Find out more at: