Extra Curricular Activities
Extra Curricular Activities
The King's College offers a range of recreational, sport-related clubs, and study clubs that aim to provide additional academic support in small groups to those who need it.
Please explore the activities available in Semester 2 in the links below. To register your child, please email the listed club contact or use our online form here (secondary only).
Note | Student involvement in clubs is voluntary. Regular participation is encouraged, however, it is the parents’ responsibility to monitor their child’s attendance.
Club Timetable
Clubs usually run in the weeks below unless otherwise advised. Times are detailed in the brochure, and SEQTA Engage Notices often have information about any changes.
Semester 1
Term 1: Week 3 to Week 8
Term 2: Week 2 to Week 10
Semester 2
Term 3: Week 2 to Week 9
Term 4: Week 2 to Week 8
Conditions for Club Participation