Absentees and Attendance Guidelines

Reporting Absences / Late Arrivals / Early Departures / Extended Absences

Parents are required by law to ensure that all school-aged children attend school every day it is open for instruction unless they are unwell or have other extenuating circumstances.  Absences for reasons other than medical are strongly discouraged.  (Please refer to the information in the Family Handbook for detailed information). 


As with all absences from College, it is the student’s responsibility to catch up with teachers as quickly as possible on their return to see what topics and assessments have been missed. Student attendance rates are monitored and followed up by the Attendance Officer in liaison with the class/form teacher, Head of Year and/or Deputy Principal Student Services.


Detailed below are communication processes and procedures relating to attendance. 

Reporting Absences

If your child is going to be absent from school, please SMS to the College's Absentee Hotline 0419 722 693 or email to absentee@tkc.wa.edu.auby 9.00am, stating:

  • Child’s full name.
  • Date/s of absence.
  • Reason for absence.

 If a student is absent for three or more days, a medical certificate should be provided.


If your child is absent from school without any notification being received before the end of morning form/devotions, a text message will be sent to you.  


If a written explanation is not received, a letter will be sent home to request a signed explanation of the absence. This letter must be returned to the College within five days after being issued. If the letter is not returned within five days, the College will continue to follow-up with you until written evidence of absence is provided.

Extended Absence

Notification of extended leave (5 or more consecutive school days), such as for extended holidays, need to be made in writing to the Principal as early as possible.  Please use the link below:


Early Drop Off

You are reminded that supervision before school commences at 8.00am.  Students are not permitted on College grounds prior to this time as staff are not available to supervise them. 

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive after the first bell must sign in before going to class.   Students who are late to school should have a note from a parent.

  • Primary students must sign in at Reception and should be accompanied by their parent/guardian. 
  • Secondary students must sign in at Student Services and may provide a note from their parent/guardian. 

Early Departure

If your child needs to leave school before the final bell, you are requested to give advance notice to the College via email absentee@tkc.wa.edu.au or SMS to the Absentee Hotline 0419 722 693 stating the time, date and reason for departure. (Medical, dental and other appointments should be made outside College hours if possible).


In order for your child to be released from the College grounds, you must sign your child out in person at Reception. 


Please note that the College can only release students to nominated parents/guardians and authorised emergency contacts.  To authorise a third party, you should email absentee@tkc.wa.edu.au prior to collection. Parents/guardians and authorised persons may be asked to show photographic ID before being allowed access to a student.  (Please don't be offended if asked, as not all staff are familiar with parents/guardians by sight).


Releasing students without parent/guardian supervision

The College will allow students to leave the school premises on their own during the school day in circumstances where:

  • written parental consent has been given, and 
  • the College is satisfied that no foreseeable harm will come to that student.

The consent should clearly state the terms upon which parents are giving permission for the student to leave the school premises, including the purpose for which the permission is given, the times during which students may absent themselves (for example daily or on a specified day each week) and the period for which the permission is given (for example a term). By providing written consent the parent/carer acknowledges that the school cannot be held responsible for any injury that befalls the student while away from the school premises or for any misconduct on the part of the student.


Provided that the school is satisfied on reasonable grounds that no foreseeable harm will come to a student, the student-teacher relationship will end, and a duty of care will no longer be owed once the student leaves the premises during a free period/break or for other non-school activities, such as a doctor’s appointment.


If a student brings the name of the College into disrepute while away from the campus all permissions will be revoked