Consent2Go FAQs

Q: Where do I download the app?
A: There is no app available for Consent2Go. Links will be provided in emails.
Q: Where are the data servers located? How is this information stored?
A: For Australian schools, data is stored within Australia in a Tier 1 environment, where all handling of personal information for individuals complies with the Australian Privacy Act 1988.
Q: Is Consent2Go owned by The King's College or a private company?
A: Consent2Go is a private company and is the School’s agent for collecting your child’s health information.
Q: Consent2Go will not proceed to the next screen.
A: Please look for any red icons with a cross displayed. This will indicate a compulsory field that must be answered before you can proceed to the next screen.
Q: Can the school still provide me with a paper copy of the form as I do not wish for my child’s health records to be maintained online?
A: To ensure your child’s health records are current, The King's College will regularly require parents/guardians to update their child’s health details on Consent2Go. To minimise risk, we do not maintain health records in any other format.
Q: What if I change my email address?
A: Please contact The King's College Administration Office and provide your new email address.
Q: How much do I pay to use Consent2Go?
A: Consent2Go is FREE for parents.
Q: How do I pay for excursions/incursions/camps and other items such as School Contributions?
A: Once you have been sent an ‘invitation’ and you consent, a you can make payment via the QKR! App.
Q: I have not consented or paid for an excursion and the due date has passed, can my child still attend the activity?
A: You will be reminded to pay up until the due date, if you have not consented, or paid by then, your child cannot attend.