Fire Carrier Fun Fact

Thank you to our wonderful FIRE Carriers of 2022.  While the year has posed many challenges, you have carried out your role with great responsibility and in true FIRE Carrier spirit.  Thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment to the role. We wish you all the very best in Grade Six.

Mrs Lee & Mrs O'Meara



Evidence confirms that the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders culture goes back to 65,000 years ago. They were among the first humans to migrate out of Africa, across India and Asia until they reached the shores of Australia. As a Fire Carrier this year, it has been an amazing experience. I have not only been able to teach others on aspects of the aboriginal culture but I have also learnt a lot myself for example: I have learnt how to play some Indigenous games and I have researched many people that promote Indigenous culture. I hope next year COVID 19 will not stop the Fire Carriers from doing the best in their role.




There are many different native bush plants that can be found in Australia. You may have heard of a few popular ones but the list goes on for ages. Here are some of the  common ones: bottle brush, gum tree, wattle and hibiscus. The hibiscus flower was the native Australian flower we chose to plant. You saw all of us FIRE Carriers planting the hibiscus flower just outside the hall. We did this for Sorry Week. I loved doing this as it was fun planting them and having a few or so giggles about our gardening skills.



This year I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to be a FIRE Carrier. I am so lucky to have been able to work with Mrs Lee, Mrs O'Meara and the other FIRE Carriers. I learnt many things about Aboriginal culture throughout 2021, and really enjoyed sharing some interesting facts through the OLA newsletter.  One of the most interesting things that I learned is that Australian English borrows more than 400 words from Aboriginal languages. Most of these are nouns and include the words  ‘koala’, ‘barramundi’, ‘wombat’ and ‘kookaburra’.  More than 250 Aboriginal languages exist and I think it is wonderful that we get to use some of their words.



Did you know that the Aboriginal flag was designed in the 1970s and that the Torres Strait Islanders Flag was designed in the 1990s. This year as FIRE Carrier I have really enjoyed learning about the Indigenous culture and doing newsletters about Indigenous athletes who have made an impact in the community.
