P to the E with Leigh

Physical Education Back to school 2022 


Firstly a big welcome to the new preps to Thornbury Primary School. The focus for the foundation children is getting them into positive routines spending time together building their resilience and love of movement. It’s about being kind to the younger children as they learn to the routines and rigour of school. P.MP. Perceptual Motor Programming. It’s basically a gymnastic, balance based program that I have designed for all the Foundation and 1/2 students in the school. 


Any parents who would like to help their FOUNDATION students and others in volunteering on Wednesday mornings to help their teacher run that program if you contact them directly or speak to me I can place you in a slot with your child to watch and help them in that session. The teachers are of course Tali, Lucy/Mirella, Milly, Alex and Juliette. I would love your help and I know your kids would love it too. Two weeks till it starts. 


Other 1/2s GRADES start in a month!  


Email Leigh.collins@education.vic.gov.au  

I will introduce those Positive Primer small games that are fun but not competitive. Spending time in a circle talking about what we are going to do together and taking notice of the good things we all do as group. 


The middle years children are now being introduced to catching/throwing and locomotion, basically lots of routines familiar games of tag and chase and of course their favourites great walls! This year I have planned a little differently and I’m using new curriculum called FMS Fundamental Motor Skills its very prescriptive and affective and I have decided to incorporate this into my planning. Of course we will have time to run, play and have fun, but our school wants all the children to be the best sports people they can. 

Lastly the 5/6s are about to start their Inter School Summer Sports program with Tennis/Bat Tennis, Softball, Rounder boys and mixed and Kanga Cricket. Its starts on March the 4th. The District Swimming has just been completed and we are now moving along to The District Cross Country. More info soooon! 


Lastly so excited about this year I really did not like being in ISO as I know so many of our kids, really missed my sport as your children did….so time to make fun while the sun is shining. 


I have included my planning overview SOMETIMES called a Scope and Sequence Chart this year so you know exactly what your children will be doing this year with the odd change or focus depending on school timetables etc. Any questions about your child or help or advice or expertise I would love you to help me. Especially anyone who knows how to teach basic dance/barn I would really like to hear from you!!! 


Thanks Leigh Collins 

P.E. Coordinator