Year 5/6—Celebrating Learning

4/5/6 - Mainstream

In the Babajen, 4/5/6 students have been using Levels of Thinking to think deeper while unpacking seeds for Writer’s Workshop. We have practised using different thinking tools like mindmaps to organise our thoughts, so that we can use them later to inspire pieces of writing. These are some photos of mindmaps based on texts students are viewing. 


5/6 - Steiner

Explores Electrostatics

For our first Main Lesson we have been learning all about Static Electricity, from the properties of materials that create and conduct it, to the powerful bond it can make between other objects. Below are some thoughts from the children about the experiments, and some pictures from their Main Lesson books.


Greta says “I liked the experiment that we conducted with the aluminium can and PVC pipe. I like how the PVC pipe zapped people with static electricity.”


Rose says “I liked how we experimented with balloons to make people’s hair stand on end.“


Floyd says “It is very fun to watch and conduct the experiments.”


Pippa says “I like how we get to do experiments, and that we get to have a go at trying them out.”


Talon says “I love drawing the diagrams of the experiments and writing about my experience. I found watching the experiments quite interesting.”


Jools says “The experiments are very cool, some of them didn’t work, but I got the idea when they didn’t work. I really like making the diagrams and writing up the experiments.”