T.I.M.E (Music)

Junior Choir


Kii wonderful TPS Community,


I am Erica and I am teaching Classroom Music in 2022 (see below if you’re wondering what Classroom Music is all about). Music will look a little different this year with each class having one semester of Classroom Music in the Music Room with me and one semester of class/year level singing in their classroom with a teacher from their year level (Covid restrictions permitting). Grades 3-6 have already started Classroom Music in Semester 1 and will have class singing in semester 2. Grades F-2 will have the opposite! Class singing in F-2 is having a slow start due to Covid trepidation, but we’re working on finding Covid safe ways to have this joyful experience. We are looking forward to the joys and challenges of this as the year unfolds. I will keep you posted on all the wonderful things that are emerging. 


If you are interested in helping out with singing in your child’s classroom or helping me out in the Music Room, please email erica.pringle@education.vic.gov.au 



In Classroom Music we move, play and create with our voices, bodies and instruments, guided by the Vic Curric and often through the framework of Orff and Kodaly. 


Grades 3-6 have begun this term exploring our deadly values Working Together and Respect through games and playing instruments. In these photos students are problem solving how to put together the marimbas and using one of our signals to stop playing (heads!).