The cast and crew are getting ready for Production Week as they are busily rehearsing. If you are yet to purchase your tickets, there are some still available. Please contact the Front Office to purchase tickets!


Showtime Dates and Times:

Tuesday 7th December, 7:00pm

Wednesday 8th December, 7:00pm



St Mary MacKillop College is presenting the school production ‘The Little Shop of Horrors’ on the 7th and 8th December, and whilst student Charlotte Oliver is thoroughly enjoying playing the role of Audrey in our upcoming production, the show does allude to her being a victim of domestic violence. If you feel these issues might be triggering, either for yourself or someone you know, we have included some important support service numbers below that may assist you:


The Mallee Sexual Assault Unit (MSAU) (03) 5033 1786 and Mallee Domestic Violence Services (MDVS) (03) 5033 1899

The 24-hour Victorian Response Centre-Crisis Line  1800 015 188

The National 1800 RESPECT line 18000 737 732

Or, in an emergency, call 000.